He had Bubbles the chimp along with two others at some point one of them was a girl, Madonna and Muscles were his snakes, tigers Thriller and Sabu, and elephant called Gypsy, Louie the llama, a parrot called Rikki, giraffes, a few dogs and tarantulas.
Yes Michael had pets;
Bubbles the chimp, Louie and Lola his llamas, Mr Tibbs the ram, Rikki a parrot, Muscles and Madonna snakes, Thriller and Sabu tigers, four giraffes, various dogs, some Spiders, just to name a few.
Yes, Michael Jackson had a pet. Back in the eighties, he had a chimp named Bubbles.
He also had two llamas named Louie and Lola.
He didn't have a pet cheetah.
His pet rat was named Ben and he made a song about him too.
No, Michael Jackson was not related to Mahalia Jackson.
Nobody will be able to say all of them, but here are a few. The words they make are in capitals: michael jackSON (Son) MichAel jacksoN (Man) miCHaEl jaCKson (Check) michaEl jackSON (Nose) micHaEl jACkson (Ache)
yes he didDid he?the song ben was not written by Michael Jackson. It was written by 2 guys one of which was Don Black. Ben was written for the Movie sequel of "Willard", which was titled "Ben in 1972. The song was written for Donny Osmond and it was decided by Black to let Michael try and the rest is history.So, if Michael Jackson had a rat named Ben, it was well after the song was written and the song had no initial ties to Jackson... If you don't believe me, check out this link that also explains that Don Black wrote the James Bond Theme "Diamonds are Forever"http://www.songfacts.com/detail.php?id=1408
he wasn't
In the Thriller era
He's at a sanctuary in Florida.
he has a pet monkey called bubbles
He didn't have a pet cheetah.
Yes, he's called Bubbles.
Black Girl a dog he had as a kid.
He had two pet tigers.
He didn't have a favorite breed.
His pet rat was named Ben and he made a song about him too.
Michael Jackson did not really have a fascination with cats. It is just that he preferred to have cats as pets instead of dogs. Michael Jackson had 4 cats as pets when he died.