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opening of sodium channels

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Q: Depolarization of the nerve membrane begins with?
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Related questions

What is The depolarization and repolarization of a neuron membrane called?

This process is called nerve conduction.

Which membrane potential results in depolarization without a nerve impulse being generated?

excitatory postsynaptic potential

Is depolarization the same as contraction in the heart?

The nerve impulse causes the release of acetylcholine from the motor end plate. This causes the depolarization of the membrane of the adjacent muscle cell.

The greater influx of sodium ions results in what of the membrane?


How is nerve impulse conducted along a myelinated nerve fiber?

In non-myelinated axons, the nerve impulse is going to be produced when the action potential accross a membrane makes a wave of depolarization followed by a wave of repolarization. With the absence of the myelin, the impulse is transmitted continuously throughout the membrane. In a non-myelinated nerve, once an end of the cell, the dendrite, is depolarized, the depolarization a.k.a., the action potential, moves along the nerve membrane, and the area of membrane immediately behind the depolarized section becomes repolarized.

Almost as soon as the depolarization wave begins a repolarization wave follows it across the membrane this occurs as?

This occurs as K+ diffuses out of the cell.

What is a reduction in membrane potential called?


The step in which the membrane potential returns to rest?


Opening of sodium channels in the membrane of a neuron results in?


The depolarization of a neural membrane creates a?

Action potentialaction potential

What change in membrane potential triggers action potential?


The combining of the neurotransmitter with the muscle membrane receptors causes the membrane to become permeable to sodium ions and blank of the membrane?
