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Q: Compared to the velocity of radio waves the velocity of visible light waves is?
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Does visible light have high or low energy?

"High" and "low" only have meaning when they're compared to something. Visible light has high energy compared to radio waves, and low energy compared to X-rays.

What is the link between radio waves and visible light?

Both are electromagnetic waves travelling at a speed about 300,000 km in one second in free space or in air medium. But radio waves have longer wavelength compared to that of light waves.

Are X-ray and gamma radiations similar to visible light or radio waves except for their higher energies?

X-rays, gamma rays, radio waves, and visible light are forms of electromagnetic radiation. Gamma rays are highest in energy compared to other electromagnetic radiations. Radio waves are least in energy in the whole electromagnetic spectrum.

Compare the frequency and energy of infrared rays to the frequency and energy of visible light?

Infrared waves are shorter than radio waves and longer than visible light waves.

Which has longer wavelength radio v light?

Radio waves have a longer wavelength than visible light.

Can you study visible light using a radio telescope?


Why are radio telescopes not located on top of mountains like the visible light telescopes?

It is not necessary to do so, as atmosphere doesn't distort radio signals as much as visible light.

What is radio astromony?

astronomy using radio waves, rather than visible light. visible light and radio waves are essentially the same, only radio waves have a much longer wavelength. not everything emits light in the visible band, many otherwise invisible objects can only be detected using extreme wavelengths.

What color light is emitted by radio waves?

Radio waves do not emit visible light. Only light with wavelengths of roughly 4*10^-7 to 7*10^-7 meters are visible.

Why can radio telescope can see things that a telescope that detect visible light cant?

-- The source may be one that emits electromagnetic energy in the radio portion of the spectrum but little or no visible light. -- There may be material in the way, such as dust or gas, that absorbs visible light but doesn't absorb radio energy.

How is a radio telescope different from a refracting telescope?

A radio telescope detects light in the form of radio waves and a refracting telescope detects light in the visible wavelengths

Is the velocity of light more than velocity of radio waves?

No as they are both electromagnetic waves so have the same velocity but have differing wavelengths and frequencies.