Try following the aftercare instructions you were given by your piercer first, I think you will find you should not be using anything not listed in the instructions.
You can, but you are better off using a product that will treat infection, such as Neosporin.
I have both my lip and belly button pierced. I had my belly button pierced with a hoop and my lip pierced with a bar/stud. The belly button was more irritating then the lip because a hoop piercing requires the piercer to clamp it shut and fiddle around with a new pierced part instead of just screwing a ball on. I recommend any new piercings to be with a bar/stud as it is quicker and less irritating. Put it this way, I'm going for a 2nd lip piercing and not another belly button piercing ;)
getting in a hot tub would not hurt a new belly button piercing, but your not supposed to. you should wait at least 6weeks after you got the piercing to sit in water. (I know this because i have ma belly button pierced. i have it pierced all around =)..) Anyway, i suggest you put a water proof band-aid over it or tape or something to cover it up b4 you get in the hot tub.
You are supposed to put salt water on it. Either put it on a cotton ball then on your belly piercing for 8 minutes or you can put the salt water in a shot glass and put it on it for 8 minutes. Also remember to make sure it is warm salt water and to rinse your belly ring after. This should be done twice a day (Once in morning and once at night)
No. You should never under any circumstances put anything on your piercing such as Peroxide, Alcohol, Neosporin or Bactine. Peroxide, Alcohol and Bactine are very drying to your piercing and the surrounding skin, and will just make the problem worse. Neosporin dries inside your piercing and clogs it, causing a flare up. Regardless of what people may say, the only thing that will fully cure an infected piercing are antibiotics. Other products may mask the symptoms, leading you to believe the infection is gone, but in all reality it isnt. If you think your piercing is infected, see your doctor for antibiotics.
When you get your belly button pierced, the person doing it will generally, if not always, use a stainless steel belly button ring. At least they will if they're a professional, and if not you don't really need to get a piercing from them anyway.This will have to stay in until the piercing is properly healed and then you can put in a clear or plastic retainer, available in different colors.
That anti bacterial stuff in a yellow tube. It has vaseline consistancy & kills germs.
Only put belly bars In.
I had my belly pierced last year and it can realy hurt when you have catched it, espesualy a fresh piercing, basicly what i did was fold up some tissue paper make sure that it is big enough to cover your belly button. Then you will need a roll of plasters, you can get this from any chemist. you then stick the tissue paper over the belly piercing and stick it on with the tape. Hope this works xx
It shouldn't really have to use it unless its to help clear up infection or after you swim or something. If you do use it, get the cream and not the ointment. Make sure to rub it in well too. If you put it on too thickly, the piercing wont be able to drain/breathe properly.
You shouldn't because it doesn't let your piercing breathe