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Only if it's been kept in the fridge overnight.

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Q: Can you keep boiled chicken in water overnight and still eat it?
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How do you keep potatoes boiled potatoes overnight?

By leaving the potatoes on an extremeily low heat and slow cook them.

Can chicken be fried in water?

No. That would defeat the purpose of 'frying'. You would end up with boiled chicken instead of fried chicken.

When water is boiled what is it?

It's still water, it just changes from a liquid to a gas.

Will boiled distilled water no longer have oxygen?

Even boiled distilled water will still have oxygen, but the oxygen will not be in elemental form as a dissolved gas.

Is boiled chicken a good food to eat if you are trying to lose weight?

only if you eat a half with no fat and drink water while eating the chicken leg.

DOES STILL Water contain chlorine?

No it's boiled water so all chlorine goes and evaporates.

Does shape matter when you place a boiled egg in fresh water?

No, even without the shell, a boiled egg will still retain its egg-shape.

Is it safe to drink boiled water from a hot tap supply?

Yes, any water that has been boiled is very safe to drink. It is important to let the water cool down; do not try to drink water that is still boiling.

Is boiled water distilled water?

No, boiled water is simply boiled. Distilled water is when the steam from the boiling is gathered and rebottled.

How do you boil chicken breasts?

Put the chicken in the pot of water, turn on the stove and cook it. If it's not pink or bleeding, it's done. Pull the skin off the chicken breasts, put in pot with water (don't add salt right away as it will toughen the meat) but herbs can be added if you like and cook for approx. 1 hour on medium heat. It's done when you take a fork and pull a little of the meat back and it's not pink. == Start with your chicken in cold water. Some proteins are more soluble in cold water. Bring it to a boil, put on a lid and simmer it 'til done. A bouquet garni may be put in the cold water with the bird, but that depends on how you see your end product.

Which dissolves faster salt or water in boiled water?

Boiled water.

How fast does borax crystals form?

well if you use 36 oz. boiled water to 15 spoons borax then overnight it will start and it can last up to a week (the growing)