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Yes. If someone is driving your vehicle, they should be listed on your policy. It doesn't matter whether or not they are related to you and/or living with you.

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Q: Can you add a person to your car insurance that is not living with you or related to you?
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Related questions

If two people are living together how can the person that owns the car and has insurance in their name get insurance for the other person to be able to drive their car?

Call their agent and add the other person to their policy.

Can a person put another person on their insurance?

Yes, a person can add another person to their insurance policy, such as a spouse, child, or domestic partner, depending on the insurance company's rules and guidelines. Additional individuals can typically be added during open enrollment periods or after qualifying life events. Adding someone to your insurance policy may result in changes to your coverage and premium costs.

Do you have to add licensed non family member living in your home to you auto insurance policy?

No. If they are going to drive the family car you can, if the insurance company allows it, but they should really have their own insurance.

Can your boyfriend put you on his auto insurance?

Yes, You can add any person you wish to your auto insurance policy that you want to be a covered driver in your vehicle.

Where can I find information on new driver insurance?

You can get information related to young driver insurance at compare market insurance.

How do you determine health insurance deductibles and visits for a person with ADD?

Just call your insurance representative. Also be sure to ask if there are any limits on number of visits.

Is uninsured driver covered if lives in the house with a insured driver?

Only if you added this person to your policy, otherwise he/she is not covered. Usually, the insurance agent will ask if there is anyone living in your household that would be driving your vehicle. At that point you can add this person to your policy or sign a waiver stating he/she will not be using your vehicle.

I am an adult living at home with my Dad in MN. Can my Dad add me and my vehicle to his insurance policy even though the vehicle is only registered to me?

Most likely, yes. Check with your insurance agent to be sure.

Can you add a driver to your car insurance?

yes ,you can add driver's name in your insurance policy.

Can you add your father to your insurance policy even though he is not living with you?

Add him in what capacity? If it's an auto policy and you want to add him as a driver, that's fine. If you want him to be named on a homeowner's policy, it can only be done if he has actual interest in the property.

Can you add your grandson to your car insurance policy?

Yes, you can add your grandson to your car insurance policy. Speak to your insurance broker.

Does Georgia law require you to add someone from another state who does not live with you to your motorcycle insurance if they ride your motorcycle?

you would have to call the your insurance company but if the person has insurance it should be fine. I know my insurance company covers me for everything its based on the company you are with.