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in fact it can despite its small size

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Q: Can wolverine kill a grizzly bear?
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Who would win a grizzly bear or a wolverine?

Grizzly bear, by far.

Who would win a fight 2 black bears a grizzly bear and a polar bear?

It's likely that the polar bear might win the fight. 2 black bears would first go for the grizzly bear and work together to swat that thing to death, but a grizzly bear would also fight back. If the grizzly bear did this, it might have a chance to win, but it could get seriously hurt. Then, the polar bear could kill the injure grizzly bear by biting that thing on the throat.

Polar bear vs gorilla?

Although a gorilla is one of the strongest land animals on the planet, the polar bear has 6 inch claws that could easily tear a silverback to shreds before it could get a good enough punch on it. polar bears are also larger then gorillas giving quite an advantage. So definitely the polar That's correct but I'll give the answer in more detail, An adult male Polar bear can be 10 feet (3 metres) on its hind legs, they can weight up to 680 kg and lift a weight equivalent to two tonnes. An adult male Silver back gorilla can weight up to 230 kg, and can lift the equivalent of 500 kg of weight. Male silverbacks are usually between 5'9-6'2 feet tall (1.5-1.7 metres). A polar bear is carnivorous and therefore has powerful canines and jaws, whilst a gorilla is herbivorous but yet has hundreds of muscles throughout the body. Due to the polar bears' size, weight and diet it would have to win; as it's triple a gorillas MAXIMUM weight, polar bears have alot of fur and blubber, and finally razor sharp 5 inch claws would allow it to rip the ape to shreds. Also, gorillas do not punch, rather they throw stuff or grab in order to defend itself, so grabbing at a polar bear's thick fur is definitely no defense against those sharp claws and teeth. Definitely the polar bear would win. Polar bears are very huge in size compared with gorillas and have strong claws/jaws that could easily destroy the gorilla. Since gorillas only throw sticks/stones, pound their chests, or tear with their powerful hands, a gorilla would be dead after the deadly swipes.

Who would win a black bear or a brown bear?

A bear is stronger but a wolf has better attack skills so it depends. A bear could be weak and the wolf could win. It could also be the other way around so either way is possible. No wolf on the planet could defeat a healthy brown or black bear in a fight, one on one. Only a pack of wolves could win.

Can a walrus kill a polar bear?

Definitely. A polar bear is much bigger and stronger than a grizzly bear, when it has sharper claws, stronger jaws, and is a better killer.Large male polar bears are larger than male grizzlies. However, since the grizzly is a race of the brown bear, which has specimens as large as polar bears, it's hard to say. The race called grizzly bear is somewhat smaller than the coastal race called Kodiak bear. There exists video of a grizzly bear driving polar bears away from a garbage dump.

Related questions

Who would win a grizzly bear or a wolverine?

Grizzly bear, by far.

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Can 2 wolverine's take a grizzly bear?

Only if they have blades for fingers.

Who would win a fight Grizzly Bear or a wolverine that is the same size?

a wolverine will beat a grizzly his own size, they are fearless and have sharp claws plus they are stronger in the same size!!

Can people kill a grizzly bear if it threatens to get in there house?

Yes they can kill a grizzly bear. I think they can kill it because its on your property i guess

What dangerous animals live on the oregontrail?

Black Bear, Wolf, Grizzly Bear, Mountain Lion, Moose, Wolverine, Humans.

Can a grizzly bear be killed by a wolverine?

The Grizzly Bear may kill a Wolf with a Swipe of the Paw, but if the wolf stands and growls at the bear, the bear will catch and bite the wolf by the neck or back and hold it down to the ground.

What eats arctic ground squirrel?

Arctic Fox, wolverine, lynx, the Grizzly Bear and eagles

What dog is used to hunt and kill grizzly bears?

They use multiple hounds to kill a grizzly bear.

Who would win a hyena or a grizzly bear?

No way a hyena can kill a grizzly bear unless it hunt with packs

Can a bison kill a grizzly bear?

Well it's not uncommon for a grizzly bear to prey on a small bison cow or a young calf, that's for sure. So yes, I guess you could say that a grizzly bear could kill a bison.

Who would win in a fight between an ox 4 lions and a grizzly bear?

Lions, especially if they are females from the same pride. The grizzly bear can defeat and kill the ox if it avoided its horns and head, but the lions will get it after the grizzly bear gets injury by the ox's body strength. If the grizzly bear attacked the 4 lions, the grizzly bear will have a chance to win because its big claws can kill 2 lions if it was strong enough to. After the lions get killed, the grizzly bear might get injured, and the ox can kill it with ease.