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No, they will not grow back.

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Q: Can a wisdom tooth grow back after being extracted?
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Is it true that you can grow if a tooth is extracted?

No, you won't gain height because a tooth is extracted. If you mean, will your tooth grow back, than it depends if your tooth was an adult tooth or a baby tooth.

Your husband is still having the same problems after having a wisdom tooth extracted?

If you have had problems with you wisdom teeth after the extraction, it would be best to back to the dentist. Be advised that some problems may take a few days to go away.

What is the difference between a molar tooth and a wisdom tooth?

A wisdom tooth is one of the three molars. A molar is defined as a tooth with four cusps or points, and the wisdom tooth is simply the last molar to erupt and farthest back in the jaw.

How many teeth do you count back to find your wisdom tooth?

its all the way in the back

How common is an infection of a neighboring molar after impacted wisdom tooth extraction?

There are a number of potential causes of dental infection. Sometimes an impacted wisdom tooth can compromise the back root of the second molar. This would typically only be diagnosed after the wisdom tooth was extracted. The infected molar may not be related to the extraction. It may have had asymptomatic decay or periodontal disease before the impacted wisdom tooth was diagnosed and extracted. Usually, it is better to extract wisdom teeth prior to restoring or treating adjacent teeth because of the possiblility of damage or injury to the adjacent teeth during the extraction. While most dentists are very conscienteous and want to avoid complications in their procedures, complications do sometimes arise in spite of the dentist's best efforts. It is best to allow your dentist to manage these complications or refer you to a qualified specialist for treatment.

My dentist extracted a back tooth and bone came with it?

that happens sometimes. dont should fill back in as it heals.

What are the symptoms of an impacted tooth?

The movement of an erupting wisdom tooth and any subsequent impaction may produce pain at the back of the jaw.

What are the signs of a wisdom tooth growing?

first you would feel some pressure in the very back of your mouth, after a while youll begin to notice that the back of your mouth is starting to feel sore. eventually, the gum line will recede and you will have your wisdom tooth

Must you have your wisdom tooth removed?

Normally, there is not enough room in your mouth for the wisdom teeth to come in. If you've lost some back teeth for one reason or another, the wisdon tooth can come in with no problem.

Why do you have a sore lump near your wisdom tooth?

The hard painful lump near your growing wisdom tooth is probably part of the tooth. However, it could be an infection under the gums and should be checked by a dentist.

Can you get wisdom teeth at 8 years old?

You can, but it is not likely. Not many people even have have their wisdom teeth at that age. Most people have their wisdom teeth extracted when they are nearly done with highschool (16-19 years old). Your doctor may not want to remove your yet even if you do have them. I am 12 years old. I have my wisdom teeth, and I am getting them pulled out next month. It is possible to get your wisdom teeth that young i am living proof. =)

Once wisdom teeth are removed can they ever grow back?

GENERALLY, once wisdom teeth are gone they don't grow in again. If something is coming out from your gums after a wisdom tooth extraction, it might be a piece of root that was left out. It might also be a surnumerary wisdom tooth (extra wisdom tooth) that was already there before the extraction. However, they can grow back. It's documented, and happens to 1-3% of adults.Teeth don't grow back. Basically you get two sets, first the baby/milk teeth, then your permanent teeth. Wisdom teeth are the last of your permanent teeth to emerge.If you lose a milk tooth it will kinda-sorta be replaced with a permanent tooth (which you would have gotten eventually anyhow).When a permanent tooth is lost it's gone, your body won't make a new one.Back teeth are also known as molars. If you lose one of those before you have gotten your wisdom teeth, then it can look like it's the lost one that's grown back, but it isn't. It's the wisdom tooth (which you would have gotten eventually anyway) that has stepped up in its place.No. they dont grow back once they are removed. however, rarely we do find an extra molar, other than the wisdom teeth, which are called as the PARA Molars.Teeth don't grow back. Basically you get two sets, first the baby/milk teeth, then your permanent teeth. Wisdom teeth are the last of your permanent teeth to emerge. When a permanent tooth is lost it's gone, your body won't make a new one.