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Only if you are on a state or federal reservation or Park where their jurisdiction allows.

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Q: Can a game warden give you a speeding ticket?
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Can a game warden give out speeding tickets?

Yes they can. They are officers of the law except in the forest or wild places.

Does a cop need a definite speed to give you a speeding ticket?


How do you obtain a copy of a lost speeding ticket that has been paid but needed for employment reasons?

Call the dept. who gave you the speeding ticket. They will be able to give you a copy.

Is it legal for an Police Officer to give you a speeding ticket while being hidden?

Yes. No - its a jerky thing to do, but you should not be speeding if there arent any cops around - so they CAN ticket you if you were speeding when you didnt see them.

Does a speeding ticket in Virginia give you points on your Delaware license?

yes it does

Can police in Maryland give you a speeding ticket when you are out of your car?

Yes. What would being in or out of your car have to do with the issue? Were you speeding is the issue.

Can border protel officers give traffic tickets?

can the border patrol officer give a speeding ticket

Can an officer stop you for speeding and said he will not give you a ticket but does and never told you how fast you were driving untils the ticket is wrote out can he do this?


Can regular police officers pull you over on the freeway in California and give you a speeding ticket it?

Yes, they can.

Can a moving police car give you a speeding ticket?

The police car itself will never give you a speeding ticket. The officer inside the car, however, can, whether or not their vehicle is in motion. They are just as capable of taking speed measurements while movement as they are while stationary.

Would you give your mother a speeding ticket?

Yo mama needs to be advised to not cross the speed limit or she could get some foo' killed! OF COURSE I'D GIVE HER A TICKET!

What is ticket in production support?

(1) a coupon (2) a paper that police give you for speeding. This is from Rueben Sanoir.