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The image likely illustrates the concept of agriculture, which emerged during the Neolithic period when humans transitioned from hunting and gathering to farming. Agriculture led to the development of settled communities, the domestication of plants and animals, and a more sustainable food source for early human societies.

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Q: Ask us anythingThis modern image illustrates which concept that arose during the Neolithic period?
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The farming revolution took place during the Neolithic Age.

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During the Neolithic Revolution, which took place around 10,000 BCE, humans transitioned from hunting and gathering to agriculture and settled communities. This led to the domestication of plants and animals, the development of pottery and woven textiles, and the establishment of permanent settlements. It also marked a shift in social organization towards more complex societies with division of labor.

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Humans started to farm and domesticate animals during the neolithic revolution.

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How did change life change for during the neolithic ages?

Life changed for people during the Neolithic Age because that was when they found out how to make fire.

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what is the answer