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They're the same length on either side of the date of the equinox, which falls in March and September. In 2009 those dates were 3/20 and 9/22, respectively. Just count days on either side of those dates, to answer our question.

What ends up happening, is that the first 20 days of March will have roughly the same length of daylight as the 20 days AFTER the September equinox (i.e. 9/22 thru 10/11). Similarly, the first twenty days of September will have the quality of daylight shown for the first 20 days after the spring equinox (3/20 thru 4/9)

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Q: Are the hours of daylight and darkness in September equal to March hours of daylight and darkness?
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When is solstice are the light and dark equal?

On a solstice, it is only at the equator that the hours of light and dark are equal. At other parts, they would be different with one of the Poles experiencing 24 hours of daylight and the other Pole experiencing no daylight. If it is the June solstice, then it is the North Pole with 24 hours of daylight and the South Pole with none, while it is the opposite in the December solstice. It is at the equinox that the amount of daylight and darkness hours are equal around the world.

Where do you find the day and night equal?

At the two equinoxes (about 22 September and 20 March).

Which phenomenon occurs when the Sun crosses the plane of Earths equator?

The Equinoxes - Autumnal and Vernal (or Spring). The hours of daylight equal the hours of darkness.

What is the time interval between vernal equinoxes called?

one year. the vernal equinox is on March 21, or the first day of spring. an equinox is when day and night is equal (12 hours daylight, 12 hours nighttime). there is a Vernal equinox in spring, and an autumnal equinox on the first day of autumn (or fall), September 21.

Are the days longer or shorter in the northern hemisphere right after the autumnal equinox?

The word 'Equinox' means equal day and night. The Autumnal equinox falls on the 23rd September. So any date after this, say 26th September, in the Northern Hemisphere the nights are longer than the days. Conversely, in the Southern Hemisphere the days are longer than the nights. At the Vernal (Spring) Equinox, 21st March, the whole system is reversed. There are four days in the year when there is a change. For the Northern Hemisphere; Vernal Equinox ; day and night are the same length. After this date the days are increasing and night is decreasing. until; Summer Solstice; Daylight is at a maximum and night is a minimum. Autumnal Equinox ; day and night are the same length. After this date that nights are longer than the days. Winter Solstice ; Daylight is at a minimum and night is a maximum. However, in the Southern Hemisphere , the whole system is reversed !!!! Vernal Equinox ; day and night are the same length. After this date the days are decreasing and night is imcreasing. until; Summer Solstice; Daylight is at a minimum and night is a maximum. Autumnal Equinox ; day and night are the same length. After this date that days are longer than the nights. Winter Solstice ; Daylight is at a maximum and night is a minimum. So in the USA or Great Britain(Northern Hemisphere), when its Summer, it is Winter in Australia & South Africa (Southern Hemisphere). Similarly at the poles. North Pole ; Summer ; 24 hours daylight and South Pole 24 hours darkness. North Pole ; Winter 24 hours darkness and South Pole 24 hours daylight. S

Related questions

The hours of daylight and darkness in September are nearest equal to the hours of?

I'm guessing march?

Are days longer at the equinox?

No. At an equinox, which happens in March and September, the amount of daylight and darkness are about equal.

In the spring and fall, the hours of daylight and darkness are the same on what two days?

March equinox and September equinox : Daylight and darkness are of equal length on both the Vernal Point (Spring/March 20th 2011) and the Autumnal Point (Autumn/September 23rd 2011) .

What days do the northern and southern hemishperes have equal daylight and darkness?

Only on the 2 equinox's which are March 21 and September 21.

What are the days March 22 nd September 22 called?

These are the spring and autumn equinoxes, and are days when the daylight and darkness are equal.

How much daylight is there in Ireland in September?

As it is the month of an equinox, there is a fairly equal amount of darkness and light, so about 12 hours of daylight.

During which two days of the year northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere have equal hours of daylight and darkness?

March 20th or 21st

What is the name of the day in which the hours of daylight and darkness are equal?


What is true about the amount of daylight when the equinox takes place?

The equinox is when day and night are of equal length (about 22 September and 20 March).

What causes the number of daylight and darkness to be equal?

Day and night are only equal on the winter and summer equinox.

Make a sentence with the word equinox?

Daylight and darkness are equal during the vernal equinox.

What is autumnal equinoxes?

There is an equinox in March and September. They are the time of the year when the tilt of the earth does not put either the northern or southern hemisphere tilted towards the sun. The Autumn equinox is the one that occurs in September.