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They can be but the average person will probably never get enough exposure to ever be a problem.

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Q: Are pesticides harmful to your health?
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Why is the use of bio pesticides encouraged over chemical pesticides?

chemical pesticides are very harmful for our health and caused many diseases like skin cancer etc. it also helps better plant growth

There are many attempts to increase the amount of food produced which method is known to have harmful effects on the health of humans?

overuse of pesticides

There are many attempts to increase the amount of food produced. Which method is known to have harmful effects on the health of humans?

Overuse of pesticides

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Are pesticides harmful?

They are to pests.

Who developes less harmful pesticides?


Scientists know that some methods used to increase the food supply are dangerous to human which method is known to be harmful to human health?

spreading pesticides with planes

How can you stop biomagnification?

Decrease reliance on harmful pesticides.

What are the demerits of using pesticides?

it is very harmful to others

How are pesticides harmful to animals people?

they kill pests

What is a possible harmful effect of using pesticides?

Pesticides remain on fruits and are passed on to anyone who eats the fruits.

Who develops alternative less harmful pesticides?

There really are not less harmful pesticides. They are all harmful. However, vinegar is supposed to keep some pests away. There are also companies that are working on genetically modifying plants to keep bugs away or make them immune from diseases.