

Why is it bad or good to have a Christmas tree?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Sometimes peoploe do not beleave in chrismas. The good thing is that it brings happyness into your house. : )

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Q: Why is it bad or good to have a Christmas tree?
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When is it bad luck to have your Christmas tree up?

That is all superstition. Bad luck and good luck are fictional.

Is it bad luck if Christmas tree falls over?

No, a Christmas tree falling over does not cause bad luck. This belief is purely superstition.

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No you can take it down when ever you want it is your Christmas tree isn't it. So really no bad luck can be made at Christmas.

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You should look for the good quality of the tree. If you can see through the tree without garment then it is a bad tree. Also make sure that the tree is not wobbly and the lights if they are already on, are not broken or shattered.

What does it mean when a Christmas tree falls over?

it means nothing bad.

What species of tree is good for a corner Christmas tree?

None of the tree species online mentioned that it was good for a corner Christmas tree. The Noble Fir is a good one for decorations since it lasts a long time and the needles do not fall off.

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A grasshopper on your birch tree is neither good or bad but it is harmless.

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Rocking around the christmas tree

Is 7-up good for a Christmas tree?

No,I think it is very odd for "christmas".

What do traditional Ukrainians put on their Christmas tree for luck?

Ukraines put a spider and web on the Christmas tree for good luck!

Is christmas good or bad?

good what do u think!