

Why is atropine sulfate given?

Updated: 10/20/2022
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Q: Why is atropine sulfate given?
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Atropine sulfate preoperatively?

atropine sulfate is used as an antidote of anticholinesterase meds administered on patients with myasthenia gravis. Atropine sulfate should be also made available when performing the Tensilon Test to reverse the effect of Edrophonium injection.

What drugs can antidote by atropine sulfate?

Banerica Peroxide Duo.

Why atropine sulfate given pre-op?

Atropine is given pre- op because as an anti cholinergic drug, it reduces nasal (and gastric) secretions. The drug prevents the patient from aspirating nasal secretions while under anesthesia.

Myasthenia gravis why is atropine given?

it affects the receptors

What is the drug lomotil used to treat?

Lotomil is a brand name for diphenoxylate hydrochloride and atropine sulfate and is used to treat diarrhea.

What is the Maximum dose given for iv atropine?

3 mg

Why is Demerol and atropine given preopativity?

increase the efeectiveness of the anesthesia

How you stop the over production of saliva?

ASK YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT LOW DOSE ATROPINE SULFATE tablets. A prescription drug called Sal-Tropine is said to reduce salivation and also helps control drooling. Google "atropine" or "ptyalism".

Why atropine is given in bronchial asthma?

atropine is use to combat bronchospasm. most commonly as the ipratropium bromide. bronchospasm is one means by which asthma occurs. btw atropine is used mostly in emergency medecine. atrovent is used more for maintenance therapy

What are achticholinergics?

drugs.Ipratropium bromide (atrovent) and atropine sulfate are achticholinergic drugs used for the treatment of asthma. Ipratropium is used for treating asthmatics in emergency situations with a nebulizer.