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There is no reason in the story to name them, it wouldn't have affected the end results of the story line. But by providing the names, Tolkien adds a sense of history and depth to the books and to the history of Middle Earth. It hints of magic and civilizations in the past, anchoring the present of the story firmly into a history.

It also shows the swords importance. All three were forged by the master-smith in Gondolin. Sting in particular needed the lineage to show its purpose as a spider killer. Shelob's predecessor Ungoliant made her abode in Ered Gorgoroth, right near Gondolin. The other swords were made to destroy orcs, and the orcs knew it when they saw them. Beater and Biter put great fear into them.

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Q: What is the importance of named swords from The Hobbit?
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There is a game named "The Hobbit" that came out in 2003.

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Do the links have navis in four swords?

they are not all named navi and no

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