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Depth determines whether it shows up under or below an object if an object collides with it.

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Q: What does the setting the depth to - 10 for an object do in game maker?
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How do you make a object create behind another object in game maker?

with (instance_create(x,y,objecttobecreatedbehind)){depth = objectinfront.depth + 1;}

Is there an internal variable for an object's speed in Game Maker?

Yes, the internal variable for an object's speed in Game Maker is <Object_Name>.speed.

How do you make an object pick something up in a game maker game?

Je moeder is gay.

In Game Maker 7 is there a way to play a video underneath the objects so the game can still run while the video is playing?

You could use a tile-depth object with a sprite that animates. It would take a ****load of file-size to hold all the images though. Game Maker 8 has support for non-screen-coating variants, I believe.

How can you make an object appear on game maker in code?

use the instance_create function

What is a instance on game maker?

An instance is most commonly a [Object] placed on a [Room] -Battlemaster1

How do you change objects not sprites in game maker 7.0?

Change to another object with the same sprite

How do you make an object fly in game maker 7?

Have it move without gravity keeping it on the ground.

How do you create a question and answer box in game maker?

First Make a Sprite of the question make it an object, same with the answer

How do you make a object move towards another using Game Maker?

in code:move_towards_point(object.x,object.y,speed)

How do you give an object a vertical speed in game maker 7?

use the action with the big up arrow

Who is the game maker?

Sorry, But this area is for game maker questions only, GAME MAKER, As in the PROGRAM GAME MAKER, Not Other Game Makers, Game maker is owned by yoyo games, So please dont post questions about other game makers here, but, to answer your question, game maker is the best game maker, just search yoyogames game maker in Google UK.