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Mach 1 is the speed of sound. Mach 2 is twice the speed of sound... and so on.

The speed of sound in air changes clearly with temperature, a little bit with humidity − but not with air pressure (atmospheric pressure).

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14y ago

speed of sound depends upon:-


2.molecular wieght

3.heat capacity

At a constant temperature, the ideal gas pressure has no effect on the speed of sound, because pressure and density (also proportional to pressure) have equal but opposite effects on the speed of sound, and the two contributions cancel out exactly. In a similar way, compression waves in solids depend both on compressibility and density-just as in liquids-but in gases the density contributes to the compressibility in such a way that some part of each attribute factors out, leaving only a dependence on temperature, molecular weight, and heat capacity .

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The loudness has to do with the sound field quantity called sound pressure or sound pressure level (SPL). The sound intensity or acoustic intensity means the sound energy quantity. Our ears and the microphone diaphragms are moved by the sound pressure variations.

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only wavelengthActually, since ultimately the pitch we hear depends on the frequency, and the frequency is equal to the speed of sound divided by the wavelength, the pitch depends on both the wavelength and the speed of sound. The speed of sound in air depends on the temperature of the air. An approximate formula for calculating the speed of sound (credit Wikipedia) is:cair = 20.0457 x sqrt( T ) m/swhere T is the kelvin temperature.

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Speed of sound waves?

Speed of sound depends on the density of the medium in which it travels. In air medium, speed of sound wave is approximately 330 m/s.

Explain why the speed of sound changes if the temperature of the medium changes?

The speed of sound depends upon elasticity and inertia of the medium which in turn depend upon the temperature of the medium.That's why speed of sound depends upon the temperature of the medium.

The speed of a sound wave in air depends on?

Temperature and the medium in which it is travelling

Why is the speed of sound constant despite changing frequencies?

Speed of sound in a medium depends only on the properties on the medium.