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Temperature and the medium in which it is travelling

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Q: The speed of a sound wave in air depends on?
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Speed of sound waves?

Speed of sound depends on the density of the medium in which it travels. In air medium, speed of sound wave is approximately 330 m/s.

What is the period of a sound wave whose wavelength is 17.0 m?

Divide the speed of sound by the wavelength, to get the frequency. The period is the reciprocal of the frequency. The speed of sound in air is about 343 meters/second, but it depends on temperature. The speed of sound in other materials is quite different from the speed of sound in air.

Which is faster the speed of sound or the speed of air?

The speed of sound depends on the air factors around it

What factor will increase the speed of a sound wave in the air?

Speed of sound would increase as the temperature of the air increases Speed of sound increases as humidity of air increases Speed of sound is affected by the density of the air. As density increases velocity of sound decreases

What is the rate at which a wave travels?

The rate at which a wave travels is called its speed. This speed depends on the medium through which the wave is moving - for example, sound waves travel faster in water than in air. The speed of a wave is typically measured in meters per second.

How do sounds made and how do they travel?

sounds are made by vibrations when air molecules move either back or forth

What effects speed and sound wave?

It is the medium, which is usually air and it is the temperature. Look at the Link: "Speed of Sound in Air and the effective Temperature".

Is the speed of sound equal to an electromagnetic wave?

No, speed of sound in air is much slower than the speed of light in vacuum.

How does air pressure effects a sound wave?

Air pressure can affect a sound wave by changing the speed at which the wave travels. Higher air pressure leads to faster sound wave propagation due to increased molecular collisions, while lower air pressure can slow down sound waves. This can alter the pitch or tone of the sound.

Is the speed of a sound wave slower than a electromagnetic wave?

Yes, the speed of sound waves is slower than the speed of electromagnetic waves. Sound waves travel through a medium, such as air or water, at a speed that depends on the properties of that medium. Electromagnetic waves, such as light, can travel through a vacuum at a speed of about 300,000 kilometers per second.

What is the relationship between wavelength frequency and velocity of sound in air?

The wavelength of a sound wave is inversely proportional to its frequency, meaning higher frequency sound waves have shorter wavelengths. The speed of sound in air is constant at around 343 meters per second, regardless of the frequency of the sound wave. This means that as the frequency of a sound wave increases, its wavelength decreases, but the speed of sound in air remains the same.

What factors does the speed of sound not depend on?

The speed of sound does not depend on the amplitude of the sound wave or the frequency of the wave. It is primarily determined by the medium through which it travels, such as air, water, or solids. Additionally, the speed of sound is not influenced by the direction in which the sound is traveling.