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Q: Plants produce new cells in areas called what?
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How plants produce blood cells?

Plants do not have blood so they do not produce blood cells.

How do plants get sugar to the place to where they need it?

So-called "vascular" plants (such as vegetables, flowering plants, and trees) have a system of cell channels known as "phloem cells" that carry sugar from the production areas (mostly leaves) to storage areas or to cells that use the sugar.

What organisms do plant cells produce food for?

Plants are made up of cells. Plants produce for themselves and for other organisms such as humans and animals.

How are the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

they are alike because in photosynthesis plants create oxygen. cells use the oxygen that plants produce in cellular respiration to get cells oxygen.there for it makes a cycle. plants produce oxygen,cells take oxygen,we produce carbondioxide, plants use carbon dioxide in photosynthesis.

Why is it important for the cells to produce energy in people and NOT plants?

Many plant cells produce energy through Photosynthesis.

Name of Organisms that use photosynthesis to produce glucose?

An organism that uses Photosynthesis to produce glucose is called an Autotroph. Autotrophs are also called "self feeders" because they can produce food(glucose) for their own cells, such as plants. (A Heterotroph is an organism that consumes other organisms to get food for their cells, such as humans.)

Do plants have a mitochondria in there cells?

Of course they have. They are needed to produce energy

Cells undergo meiosis to produce what kind of cells?

cells undergo meiosis to produce gametes which are also called your "sex" cells

Cells that do not produce gametes are called?

In humans, cells that do not produce gametes are collectively called somatic cells. Somatic cells do not include sperm and ova, the cells from which they are made, and undifferentiated stem cells.

What are cells that rely on plants to provide energy called?

They are called heterotrophic cells.

What are single cells that some plants produce instead of seeds?

Spores :)

Why do many plants have specialized cells that produce strong odorsAsk us anything?

Some plants produce strong odors in order to attract pollinators.