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No, but it is possible to spot during pregnancy. In particular, it could be implantation bleeding. Take a pregnancy test to be sure. Blood tests are more reliable than urine tests. actually yes, spotting can very well be an early sign of pregnancy. it was the first sign i noticed that tipped me off that i was pregnant- it is not at all unusual to have spotting (which is known as implantation bleeding) anywhere from 4-12 days after conception. the reason for this is that the egg burrows into the uterine lining. of course spotting does not automatically mean that you are pregnant, though. Many women spot after sex while they pregnant. During pregnancy there is a lot more blood flow to the vagina and cervix area to support the baby. Sex can cause spotting because this area is a lot more swollen than usual and is easily bruised, leading to small amounts of bleeding. The spotting could be caused by the pregnancy. Don't worry about it unless it more than a "spot". Just take the sex a little easier for the future.

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15y ago
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16y ago

Yes, also known as implantation bleeding.

It can mean all sorts really. Spotting can be Implantation bleeding which doesn't always mean your pregnant and spotting should be checked up by a doctor or midwife. If you think you may of had spotting take a pregnancy test cause the results should work.

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15y ago

Yes, but not a very reliable one. You see, spotting when you are pregnant is caused by implantation bleeding which occurs around the date of when your period should be. The problem for people with light periods is that they can mistake it for a period. Another problem is that many women spot during ovulation, so you could just be ovulating

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15y ago

It can be if it is implantation bleeding. Your symptoms of pregnancy will usually appear anywhere from the first week of your expected period to 1-2 weeks after your first week of expected period. Your first signs of pregnancy most commonly include missed period, tender/swollen breasts, change in color of the breasts, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, increased sense of smell, and weight gain. Here is a link to a website that will calculate the probability of your pregnancy:

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13y ago

A possible sign of pregnancy is skin changes. The integumentary system goes through several alterations due to both hormonal and mechanical changes. Some of these may have been blown off as old wives tales, while others you may never have heard of before.

Here is a list of other possible signs

Pregnancy SignCategoryMissed periodPossibleUnusual or abnormal periodPossibleJust "feeling" pregnantPossibleNausea and VomitingPossibleChanges in libidoPossibleSoreness of the BreastsPossibleEnlargement of the BreastsPossibleFrequent UrinationPossibleStrange CravingsPossibleFatiguePossibleMontgomery's TuberculesPossibleSkin ChangesPossibleStretch MarksPossibleEnlarging UterusPossibleMovementPossibleColostrum from BreastsPossibleEnlarged AbdomenProbableChange in uterine shapeProbableBraxton Hicks ContractionsProbablePalpation of the BabyProbablePositive Pregnancy TestPositiveFetal Heart TonesPositiveUltrasound DetectionPositiveX-ray DetectionPositive

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18y ago

if youre ovulating, then youre not pregnant. it's just ovulation spotting. it's normal.

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11y ago

If you are spotting while pregnant, go see a doctor. Could be a bad sign

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9y ago

Spotting can not be considered as a sign of pregnancy. It is better to do the urine test for pregnancy. It should be fallowed by ultrasound examination in normal course.

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Can spotting before your period be a sign of pregnancy?

Yes spotting can be a early sign of pregnancy it is cause from the egg implanting into the uterus causing some slight bleeding.

If you are spotting and its pinkish is that a bad sign?

It could be a sign of pregnancy, or another issue. Best to consult with your physician.

Is spotting a sign of PMS?

when i think of spotting i think of implantation bleeding related to pregnancy but im sure that's not always the case.

What happens if you have spotting while not on your period?

Thats a pregnancy sign called implantation bleeding

Just finished period 2 days ago and now spotting could this be a sign of pregnancy?

It's possible. Spotting can also be a result of birth control pills as well as pregnancy.

Can spotting early in pregnancy be a sign of twins?

Spotting is not an indicator of twins. Many women with a single fetus spot during the first trimester.

Does spotting last the whole pregnancy?

spotting is not supposed to occur during pregnancy. if you are spotting it may be a sign of miscarriage. However, many women have spotted and still have successful pregnancies. Best to get it checked out, have a pelvic exam and ultrasound to see what's going on in there.

What is the difference between spotting as an early sign of pregnancy versus spotting as a side effect of birth control?

Hello - The difference covers a wide area. The difference is - pregnancy spotting is usually implantation bleeding. Spotting due to birth control is caused by a hormonal imbalance or the doseage of BCP not being high enough for you.

Are dull cramps with no spotting but a rise in body temp signs of pregnancy?

Cramps and spottings are possibly a sign of pregnancy, but much more likely a sign that your jus getting your period.(:

You have been on the implant and have not had a period so why are you having brown spotting could this be a sign of pregnancy your having pregnancy symptoms?

There are many reasons that you could be spotting. You should make an appointment with your doctor and have blood work done.

Should you take a pregnancy test if you are spotting?

Spotting is an early sign of pregnancy as it can show that it would either be your hormone cycle triggering bleeding when you period should have been due or that a fertilised egg is embedding into your uterus lining. Spotting is either a light red like your period but can vary up to a brown colour. It is completely normal is pregnancy and is usually the earliest sign, so yes take a pregnancy test to determine if you are pregnant!

Can brown spotting be a sign of pregnancy?

It can be a pregnancy symptom, but just because you have brown spotting it doesn't necessarily mean you're pregnant. Spotting can occur during implantation (where the fertilised egg attaches into the womb lining) Implantation generally occurs around 10 days after sex.