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You can start the Birth Control pill at any time in your cycle using the Quick Start method. Just use a back up method of birth control for the first seven days of the first cycle.

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Q: Is it okay to start taking the pill a couple of days after your period starts or should you just wait till the next month to start taking it?
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Should you keep taking the birth control pill if you miss one pill and your period starts?

It would be best to continue taking the pill each day regardless of bleeding.

Do you start taking your birth control pill the day after your period is finished?

That depends on the pill. If you are taking a Sunday start pill you should start taking the pills the Sunday after your period starts. There should be an information sheet with your pills that will tell you when to start. Otherwise, you might try contacting the pharmacists to make sure you're using them correctly.

When do you start taking your birth control pills if your period starts on monday?

If you start the birth control pill on the day your period starts, you'll have immediate protection.

When does your period start while on birth control?

Your period usually starts from Tuesday to Thursday after taking the reminder pills.

When should you start taking birth control pills to delay your period?

A couple months prior to wanting your period delayed, some women experience breakthrough bleeding for the fist weeks after starting the pill.

What can you do to stop your period for 1 day?

Once your period has started you can't stop your period, not for just one day, and there is no reason why you should given as there's nothing thatyou can't do during your period. You can delay your period for a day before it starts by taking progesterone medicine such as Norethisterone.

If your period is a week early on the pill should you continue taking extra pills?

Yes take a pill once every day at the same time. Even if your period starts before you get to the end of the pill pack. This is normal. Do not stop taking your pills or you could get pregnant.

If you missed a month of taking your pills and want to start taking them again do i just do it?

You should call your doctor or a pharmacist. But in my experience, you must wait until the Sun. after your period starts. On that Sun, start your pack of pills.

Period was four days late arrived light but you have been feeling really sick and tired for a couple of weeks why?

It is possible that you could have mistaken your period for implantation bleeding. You should probably consider taking a pregnacny test.

How many days after the 7 day break do you bleed?

It depends on the oral contraceptive taken, and the person taking it to how many days into your break your period starts. With regular pill taking and time your period should be easier to predict accurately once your body gets into a regular 'rhythm'. It can start any number of days after taking the last pill in your packet, but usually starts during the 7 day break rather than after.

If you have been taking birth control for one week and hate it should you start you period a couple days after you stop it?

Your period can arrive anytime when you suddenly stop the pill. It may be days or even a week or two before it arrives.

Will sea kelp delay period?

Can taking kelp delay your period? if so should I stop taking it? I feel fine otherwise.