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Depends on body weight, ambient temperature, what you eat, etc. Start with 8-10 cups a day (during times of moderate ambient temperatures) and work your way up from there. Constipation, headache, or insufficient urine are some of the signs that you're probably not getting enough water.

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Q: How much water should a non active person drink daily?
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How much water should a person on average drink daily?

around 5% of your body weight

What will happen if a non active person drink sports drink?

Hydration. Quenching of thirst.

How much water should you be drinking daily if you are 30 years old?

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What is the average amount of water a human should drink in one day?

The average is about 2 to 2.5L Although, an active person will drink between 3 and 5 litres.An average of water to drink is 8-12 cups in a day.

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8 glassess

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2-3 bottles

If you weigh 200 pounds how much water should you drink daily?

The basic rule with water consumption is drink half your body weight in ounces.For example:A person that weighs 200 pounds should drink 100 ounces of water a day.A person that weighs 150 pounds should drink 75 ounces of water a day.This rule does not take in to account diet and exercise.

How much milk should you drink everyday?

How much milk you should drink daily depends on your sex and age. It is recommended you drink 3 to 5 glasses a day.

What should you drink with 8 glasses of water daily?

What are you talking about? You drink 8 glasses of water, nothing with it. that's it.