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I dont think that is possible...if you are that far along, your hcg levels would be MUCH higher therefore resulting in a positive pt.

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Q: Can a pegnancy test come out negative if you are too far along?
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You took 4 pegnancy test and one came back positive and the others negative what does that mean?

it means go to the doctor

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Why did pregnancy test come out negative 2 days before missed period?

You may not be pregnant, you may not be far enough along to test, you may not have followed the test instructions.

What does half a blue line mean on the QuickVue pegnancy test?

no your not pregnant if you have a half blue line

If you got pregnant and did not know and took while pregnant will the pregnancy test be negative or positive?

Even if you didn't know you were pregnant but you were at least two weeks along, your pregnancy test will show up positive. But if you were less than two weeks along it will come out negative even if you do end up pregnant.

Can your test come out positive then negative?

If it's a pregnancy test the answer is no, A test can come back negative even though its positive. But if it's positive, it's positive 99% of the time.

What if your period is a day late?

A day late is nothing. If you go 4 weeks with no period take a pegnancy test.

What can i drink for my drug test to come out negative?

Drinking water will eventually flush out the system, but it can take months before your drug test would come out negative.

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If you were a month in a half along would a home pregnancy test be able to be negative?

I'm 14 weeks pregnant and my home pregnancy test still come out negative. Due to some woman just are not able to get an accurate result. You're doctor may recommend getting a blood test. Those are usually 100% accurate .

If you were miscarrying but didn't know would there still be a faint line on a pregnancy test?

yes. Home pegnancy test, or pee test, test the pregnancy hormones in your body. Though u may be miscarrying, your body will still have the hormone.

If you get your period during pregnancy will your pregnancy test results come out negative?
