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Menses blood could possibly interfere with a home pregnancy kit. You can get a false positive or false negative with any testing kit. A women is better off seeing her general practitioner doctor or obstetrics/gynecological doctor for testing, pre-natal education and treatment.

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Q: Can menstrual blood interfere with urine pregnancy test results?
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How do you know if you are pregnant after the night you think you got pregnant?

You can't. You can get reliable results on a home pregnancy test 14 to 16 days after having sex or you can see a Dr for a blood test that can detect pregnancy a few days sooner.

Would a test be accurate during implantation?

Fertilization is when the pregnancy hormone hCG has begun production and this hormone is what is searched for by pregnancy tests (urine and blood). However, this amount can be very little and may be difficult for a urine test to pick up. You can get the best accuracy a few days after your missed period, but they (urine tests) can detect up to 5 days before the first day of your last menstrual period. There is hCG during implantation, so it does have the potential to be detected and accurate, particularly for blood tests which are much more sensitive than urine tests.

Is a negative blood pregnancy test 49 days after intercourse accurate?

There are two kinds of blood tests for pregnancy tests -- quantitative and qualitative. Assuming you've waited long enough (much less than 49 days), and the test is done properly by the lab, the quantitative test is very accurate. The qualitative blood test is about the same accuracy as urine tests. Even the home urine tests are 97% accurate. So if you took the quantitative blood test you can be very sure it's right. Even with the other tests 97% is pretty accurate. I suspect the error rate in blood labs is greater than that.

If you conceived 6 days ago and you are experiencing cramping could this be implantation?

it is next to impossible to even know you are pregnant at 6 days since it takes almost a week (7 days) for the for the fertilized egg to travel down from the fallopian tube to the uterus, where the egg implants in the lush, prepared uterine lining. It is only at this time that a pregnant woman's body begins to release the pregnancy hormone, HCG and you can POSSIBLEY detect pregnancy with an at home test and then, the sensitivity of the specific test, the amount of time before your body starts releasing HCG, the amount of HCG the individual woman's body produces and the timing of the test are all factors that can delay accurate results of a home pregnancy test kit. Blood tests are usually considered the gold standard of pregnancy tests this early on because blood detects the HCG before urine does. If a urine test is really sensitive, it can often pick up at least small amounts of HCG as early as about ten days after fertilization. If you are assuming pregnancy so fast I assume you were trying and you should contact your dr. Keep in mind that pregnancy tests are only accurate if they test at the right time! As mentioned above, it needs to be at least ten days (and often longer) after fertilization to be even assumed it is correct so at earliest, you can detect is 1-1/2 to maybe 2 weeks 'along' Do you know for sure when you ovulated? Many women make the mistake of assuming that they ovulated on the mythical day 14, but you may not ovulate until, for example, day 23 of your cycle. In this case, testing through a home pregnancy test as early as day 24 would be utterly useless and a complete waste of money. I hope this helps and good luck!!!!

What is the blood moon made of?

information on blood red moon

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No, menstrual blood is not produced in the ovary. Menstrual blood is the shedding of the uterine lining that occurs following ovulation if pregnancy doesn't occur.

Would it matter if you got menstrual blood on your pregnancy test?

I would expect that menstrual blood would be a good indication that you are not pregnant. if your not trolling

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A menstrual period is when there is a loss several tablespoons of blood and mucus from the vagina; when a menstrual cycle is the series of changes a woman's body goes through for pregnancy.

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Menstruation results in the discharge of the uterus lining, consisting of blood and tissue.

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no, blood preasure and pregnancy have nothing in common unless you are pregnate and have high blood preasurethe pregnancy test has no effects from the medicine

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How long does a blood pregnancy test take?

You can usually get results the next day

Is it normal to feel menstrual cramps when 4 weeks pregnant?

Yes, providing they are not severe or come with blood.

How is a pregnancy test conducted when a woman is having menstrual problems?

The nurse takes some blood from a woman's arm and it is tested for the presence of certain hormones that indicate a pregnancy has occurred.

What is mestrual period?

A menstrual period is when the uterus lining sheds as a result of a cycle without pregnancy occurring. Menstrual flow is made up of the uterine tissue, blood, cervical mucus, and discharge.