


Waste and Recycling

Rubbish and unwanted products; some of which can be recycled and reused like paper and metal, where they go through a process of degrading before they are made into another product of the same material.

500 Questions

What is the Hazardous effect of plastic on animals?

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Asked by Wiki User

Plastic pollution can harm animals in various ways, such as ingestion leading to blockages or internal injury, entanglement causing physical harm and drowning, and release of toxic chemicals when plastic breaks down, affecting their health and reproduction. This pollution disrupts ecosystems and food chains, impacting the survival of many species.

How do you make a guitar with recycled items?

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Asked by Wiki User

To make a guitar with recycled items, you can repurpose a wooden box or a piece of wood for the body, use metal bottle caps as tuners, and repurpose metal strings from old guitars or other sources. You can also use recycled electronics for pickups and other components. Get creative with the materials you have on hand to build a unique and eco-friendly guitar.

What would happen if all of the world turned their kettles on at the same time?

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Asked by Wiki User

If everyone in the world turned their kettles on at the same time, there would likely be a massive spike in electricity demand that could overload power grids in many regions. This could lead to widespread power outages, especially in areas with already strained infrastructure. Additionally, the sudden demand on water resources could strain local water supplies.

List 4 contributing factors that affect population?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Birth rate: The number of births per 1,000 people in a given population affects its growth rate.
  2. Death rate: The number of deaths per 1,000 people can impact the population size and structure.
  3. Immigration: The movement of people into a population can increase its size and diversity.
  4. Emigration: The movement of people out of a population can decrease its size and potentially impact its workforce and demographics.

How do you dispose of hazardous waste in elderly care?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hazardous waste in elderly care should be disposed of according to local regulations. This may involve segregating the waste, labeling it properly, and arranging for a licensed hazardous waste disposal service to collect and handle it safely. It is important to follow all guidelines to prevent harm to residents, staff, and the environment.

How does Germany dispose of its waste?

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Asked by Wiki User

Germany utilizes a system of waste separation, recycling, and waste-to-energy incineration to manage its waste. The country also promotes waste prevention and aims to minimize landfilling by promoting a circular economy approach. Additionally, Germany imposes strict regulations on waste management to ensure environmental protection and sustainability.

How many years does a orange peel take to decompose?

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Asked by Wiki User

An orange peel can take up to six months to two years to decompose, depending on environmental conditions such as temperature, moisture, and microbial activity.

What does Lombards assignment to be at the disposal mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

When someone is at the disposal of another, it means they are available or ready to assist as needed. Lombard's assignment to be at the disposal suggests that he is supposed to be ready and willing to help or carry out tasks as instructed by someone in authority.

How long can you keep using the same plastic waterbottle before the plastic corrupts the water?

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Asked by Dokidokirin

It is recommended to replace plastic water bottles regularly to avoid the risk of chemicals from the plastic leaching into the water. Reusing the same plastic water bottle for an extended period can increase this risk, especially if exposed to heat or sunlight. It's best to switch to a new bottle periodically to ensure safety.

What is gerbaks?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no specific definition for "gerbaks." It is possible that it is a typo or a made-up word. If you meant something else, please provide more context for clarification.

What is the meaning of refuse?

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Asked by Wiki User

Refuse refers to items or materials that are discarded or thrown away because they are no longer wanted or needed. It can include things like garbage, waste, or rejected items. Refusing can also mean rejecting or declining something.

Which country uses the most water?

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Asked by Wiki User

China is the country that uses the most water in the world, due to its large population and extensive agricultural, industrial, and domestic water needs.

What happens when a toilet leaks?

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Asked by Wiki User

A leaking toilet can lead to water damage to the flooring and surrounding areas. It can also waste a significant amount of water, causing higher water bills. If left unresolved, it can lead to more serious issues like mold growth and structural damage.

How do you dispose of kevlar?

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Kevlar is a strong synthetic fiber that is not biodegradable, but it can be recycled. Check with your local recycling facility to see if they accept kevlar, or contact the manufacturer for proper disposal methods. Avoid burning kevlar as it can release toxic fumes.

What are the benifits of recycling?

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Asked by Wiki User

Recycling helps conserve natural resources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and decrease the amount of waste sent to landfills. It also saves energy and reduces pollution from the extraction and processing of raw materials.

What can be used to repair a broken melamine plate?

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Asked by Winilla

You can use a food-safe epoxy adhesive to repair a broken melamine plate. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for application and drying time. However, be cautious as the repaired area may not be as strong as the original plate.

Why should you recycle?

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Asked by Wiki User

Recycling reduces the need for more pollution to create raw mateials, and saves energy.

You must recycle because 22.6 million tonnes of rubbish is getting put to landfills annually, and 40% of Britain are landfills, and there will not be enough land left because it is full of landfills.

What was the first step in the sewage treatment process?

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Asked by Wiki User

Separating out the solid matter.

Th solid material can be processed / fermented and used as fertiliser.

The liquid component, then goes through filtration beds to clean and aerate the water, so that it appears 'clear/clean/transparent'.

It may then go through osmosis to remove chemicals ions.

Finally, chlorine gas is bubbled in . This is to kill the bacteria in water.. Before it is pumped into the public water supply.

So the water you have from a tap/faucet is safe to drink.

What does Mr Raymond drink from a paper bag in TKMB?

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Asked by Wiki User

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Mr. Raymond is known for drinking Coca-Cola from a paper bag that he presents as containing alcohol. He pretends to be drunk to explain his behavior and to give people a reason why he acts the way he does.

How the climax in the paper bag princess resolves its conflict?

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Asked by Wiki User

The climax in "The Paper Bag Princess" resolves the conflict by having Princess Elizabeth cleverly outwit the dragon and Prince Ronald. Instead of waiting for Prince Ronald to rescue her, she takes matters into her own hands and uses her quick thinking to confront the dragon and save herself. This unexpected turn of events challenges traditional gender roles and empowers Elizabeth as a strong and independent character.

What is rubbish called when its scattered?

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Asked by Wiki User

Scattered rubbish is often referred to as litter.

Notes of the waste land by T.S. Eliot?

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Asked by Wiki User

"The Waste Land" by T.S. Eliot is a complex and multi-layered modernist poem that explores the fragmented nature of modern existence and the spiritual desolation of post-World War I society. The poem incorporates various voices, languages, and cultural allusions to convey a sense of alienation and disillusionment. It reflects Eliot's belief in the need for spiritual renewal and the search for meaning in a world that seems devoid of it.

What happens to goku at the end does he live or die?

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Asked by Wiki User

Goku is a fictional character from the anime series Dragon Ball. Throughout the series, Goku consistently dies and is brought back to life using Dragon Balls. Overall, Goku remains alive and continues to be a central character in the Dragon Ball franchise.

How long does it take to decompose shiny magazines?

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Asked by Wiki User

Shiny magazines can take anywhere from a few months to several years to decompose, depending on various factors such as the type of paper, ink, and environmental conditions. The glossy coating on the magazines can slow down the decomposition process because it is not as easily broken down by natural organisms.

Is torn newspaper biodegradable or non-biodegradable?

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Asked by Wiki User

Torn newspaper is biodegradable because it is made from organic materials like wood pulp that naturally decompose over time. It can be composted or recycled to break down into its basic components without harming the environment.