


Veins are thin blood vessels that carry blood from various body parts to the heart. These have valves in them to prevent back flow of blood.

500 Questions

What does veins mean?

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The word VEIN can mean:

  • A blood vessel in animals and humans that returns blood to the heart
  • Similarly shaped vessels appearing in plant leaves and insect wings
  • An extension of metal ore through the surrounding rock
  • A pervading theme or subject, as in literature

The homphones are VAIN (proud or egotistic) and VANE (a weathervane, windmill arm, or bomb fin).

Does a vena cava filter treat pulmonary embolism?

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Vena cava filters are usually inserted in to prevent PE caused by a thrombosis in a deep vein (DVT).

Where does the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava empty into?

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The inferior vena cava (or IVC) is the large vein that carries de-oxygenated blood from the lower half of the body into the right atrium of the heart. Other veins entering the atrium are the superior vena cava and the coronary sinus (vein from the heart muscle).

What does the inferior vena cava do in the heart do?

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The vena cava (both) are very large veins. All veins carry blood back to the heart. In the case of the vena cava, this is blood from the upper body (superior vena cava) and from the lower body (inferior vena cava).

How to get rid of spiders?

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In some cases, you have absolutely nothing to worry about, but if you do get bit by a venomous spider than I'd recommend you get medical attention immediately, hesitation could cost you your life...espeacially if you get by a black widow or the violin spider.

What is the phyllotaxy of mango leaf?

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The phyllotaxy of a mango is usually 3/8 but as the leaves are arranged very closely at the tips they appear to be whorled.

Do chickens have veins?

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yes yes they have to so that they can live

Do starfish have a heart?

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Because the purpose of heart is to pump blood. But starfish don't have blood, instead they have a water vascular system.

What is the function of valves in veins in the legs?

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The valves help to prevent blood from seeping backwards. They provide a one way valve. When valves begin to fail blood may become stagnant and cause unsightly varicose veins - usually in the legs..

How much is the laser treatment for spider veins?

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Tixel Laser is a cutting-edge dermatological treatment that has gained popularity for its efficacy in addressing various skin concerns. When considering Tixel Laser, it's essential to understand both the benefits it offers and the associated costs.

Tixel Laser Treatment Cost:

The cost of Tixel Laser treatment can vary widely depending on several factors:

Treatment Area: The size and location of the treatment area greatly influence the cost. Smaller areas like the face may be less expensive than larger areas such as the chest or back.

Number of Sessions: Many individuals require multiple sessions to achieve their desired results. The number of sessions needed can vary depending on the specific skin concern being addressed.

Geographical Location: The cost of Tixel Laser treatment can also be influenced by your location. Treatments in urban areas with a higher cost of living may be more expensive than in rural areas.

Clinic Reputation: Reputable and experienced clinics or dermatologists may charge more for Tixel Laser treatments due to their expertise and the quality of service they provide.

Complexity of the Condition: Treating more complex skin issues may require more extensive Tixel Laser treatments, which can add to the overall cost.

As of my last update in September 2021, the average cost of a single Tixel Laser session ranged from $200 to $800 or more. However, prices can change over time, so it's essential to consult with a qualified dermatologist or clinic for the most up-to-date pricing information in your area.

Do the veins carry deoxygenated blood?

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(Not counting the pulmonary veins)

the least "deoxygenated" blood is in the renal veins and the jugular.

(Neither the brain nor the kidneys use up all the oxygen in their blood supply.)

Blood flow to the skin is sometimes controlled by temperature - heat to be lost - and MAY be less desaturated.

What system does the vena cava belong to?

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The vena cava is the biggest artery in the body that is attached to the heart, so i would say the cardiovascular system.

Does the inferior vena cava carry oxygenated blood?

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the inferior vena cava caries de-oxygenated blood.

What are the functions of the pulmary vein?

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Pulmonary Vein pumps blood from the heart to the lungs to be oxygenated

ANS2:The pulmonary vein is the only vein that carries oxygenated blood. The blood returns from the lungs to the heart to be pumped to the body.

What are facts about veins and arteries?

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  • If you gather all the veins and arteries together in your body, then it could wrap around the earth, twice!
  • There are some veins and arteries that are smaller than a price of your hair!

Do frogs have arteries and veins?

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There are 4 connecting arteries and veins in a frog

What type of veins contain valves?

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In the large veins.

Because in the large veins the blood must fight the gravity, the blood is flowing up, there are valves in them to prevent the blood to fall down again.

Why can you see the vein in your wrist?

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veins are blue in colour because they carry deoxygenated blood , which carries carbon dioxide with the help of carbamino acid

Painful enlarged veins in the rectal area are?

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Why is it difficult for the blood in veins to return to the heart?

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The capillarys are in the lungs and blood flows trough them.As far as I know, blood does not flow back through the capillarys so it most likely does not flow back through the capillary beds.

Sometimes the veins in my wrist in my right arm hurt. why?

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its may be due to right heart failure,which causes edema of the extermities and it may be due to emboli in your right arm vein which got swollen and causing pain,it may be due to hypertension which cause vericose vein,you should have ECG for heart and APPT and D-DIMER test for go to hospital and see doctor