

Sanitization and Germs

Although it is impossible to eradicate every germ around you, there are things you can do to help make surfaces in your home and workplace less hospitable to a variety of germs. Germs pass freely to and from surfaces, and this category will enlighten the curious and aid the phobic with various tips, tricks, and methods of deep cleaning and sanitizing.

500 Questions

What Reform in sanitation were especially needed in cities due to?

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Asked by Wiki User

Improved waste management systems, better sewage infrastructure, and increased access to clean water sources were necessary reforms in cities to address sanitation issues such as disease outbreaks, pollution of water bodies, and public health risks.

What Reforms in sanitation were especially needed in cities due to?

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Asked by Wiki User

Reforms in sanitation in cities were especially needed due to overcrowding, lack of proper waste disposal systems, and the spread of diseases like cholera and typhoid. Improvements in sewage systems, waste management, and access to clean water were crucial to address these challenges.

Reforms in sanitation were especially needed in cities due to what?

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Asked by Wiki User

Reforms in sanitation were especially needed in cities due to overcrowding, inadequate waste disposal systems, and poor living conditions which led to the spread of diseases and contamination of water sources. These issues were exacerbated by urbanization and lack of infrastructure in growing cities.

How can a sanitation programme make a community civilized?

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Asked by Sandrio

A sanitation program can make a community civilized by promoting hygiene practices, reducing the spread of diseases, and creating a clean environment that fosters a sense of pride and well-being among residents. Proper sanitation facilities also contribute to societal dignity and overall community development.

What are the causes of sanitation?

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Asked by Wiki User

The causes of poor sanitation can include limited access to clean water, inadequate waste management, lack of proper toilet facilities, poor hygiene practices, and overcrowding in living spaces. These factors can lead to the spread of diseases, environmental pollution, and negative impacts on public health.

How long is the sanitation exam?

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Asked by Wiki User

The length of a sanitation exam can vary depending on the organization administering it. Typically, the exam can last anywhere from 1 to 3 hours. It is important to check with the specific organization for more accurate information on the duration of the sanitation exam.

Do germs die on their own?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, some germs can die on their own over time due to exposure to environmental factors like sunlight, air, and temperature fluctuations. However, many germs can survive for extended periods on surfaces or in certain conditions. Proper cleaning and disinfection methods are essential to reduce the spread of germs.

Why were reforms in cities needed for sanitation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Reforms in cities were needed for sanitation because rapid urbanization led to overcrowding, poor waste management practices, and inadequate infrastructure. This resulted in unsanitary conditions, the spread of diseases, and high mortality rates. Improvements in sanitation were critical to promote public health, increase quality of life, and prevent the spread of infectious diseases in urban areas.

What is this prevents the growth of germs in Greek?

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Asked by Wiki User

Αυτό εμποδίζει την ανάπτυξη των μικροβίων.

What does improved sanitation mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Improved sanitation refers to the practice of providing clean and safe ways for people to dispose of human waste. This can include access to toilets, proper sewage systems, and hygiene education to prevent the spread of diseases. Improving sanitation can help protect public health and promote a clean environment.

What is life of germs?

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Asked by Wiki User

The lifespan of germs can vary depending on the type of germ and the conditions in which they are present. Some germs can survive for a few hours to a few days on surfaces, while others can persist for longer periods in the right environment. Proper cleaning and disinfection can help reduce the presence of germs and prevent their spread.

Are germs microbes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, germs are a type of microbe. The term "germs" typically refers to microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa that can cause diseases in humans, animals, and plants.

Why were reforms in sanitation needed in cities?

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Asked by Wiki User

Reforms in sanitation were needed in cities to improve public health and reduce the spread of diseases. Poor sanitation practices led to the contamination of drinking water sources, causing outbreaks of waterborne illnesses like cholera and typhoid. Implementing proper sanitation infrastructure such as sewage systems and waste disposal methods helped mitigate these health risks and improve overall living conditions in urban areas.

What is the significance of sanitation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sanitation is important for preventing the spread of diseases by removing or controlling waste and contaminants that can harm human health. Proper sanitation practices, such as clean water supply, waste disposal, and personal hygiene, are essential for maintaining public health and reducing the risk of infectious diseases.

What is an expert on germs called?

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Asked by Wiki User

An expert on germs is called a microbiologist. Microbiologists study microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites to understand how they interact with their environment and impact human health.

What does free from germs mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Free from germs" means that a certain area or object has been thoroughly cleaned and sanitized, eliminating any harmful microorganisms that could cause diseases or infections. This is important to maintain a safe and healthy environment.

Why are germs important?

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Asked by Wiki User

Germs are important because they play a role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems and are essential for processes like decomposition. Some germs also help in the digestion of food and support the immune system by building resistance to harmful pathogens. However, certain germs can also cause diseases if not properly managed and controlled.

What are you called When you hate germs?

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Asked by Wiki User

You could be called a germaphobe if you have an excessive fear or hatred of germs and being contaminated with them.

What does sanitation refer to?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sanitation refers to the provision of facilities and services for the safe disposal of human waste and the maintenance of hygienic conditions, particularly in relation to clean water and food preparation. It is essential for preventing the spread of diseases and promoting public health.

Why is sanitation still important?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sanitation remains important to prevent the spread of diseases, such as cholera and typhoid, through contaminated water and food. Proper sanitation practices also help protect the environment by reducing pollution and preserving water quality. Additionally, good sanitation contributes to overall public health and well-being.

Where do you find the most germs in your school?

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Asked by Wiki User

The most germs in schools are commonly found on surfaces that are frequently touched by multiple people, such as doorknobs, desks, and cafeteria tables. Restrooms, water fountains, and gym equipment are also known to harbor germs. Regular cleaning and disinfecting of these high-touch surfaces can help reduce the spread of germs in schools.

How long must you freeze pillows to kill germs?

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Asked by Ddroms

To effectively kill germs on pillows, they should be frozen at a temperature of at least 0°F (-18°C) for a minimum of 48 hours. This duration is necessary to ensure that any bacteria or germs present are effectively eliminated.

How long can germs last on a doorknob?

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Asked by Wiki User

Germs can survive on a doorknob for several hours to several days, depending on the type of germ and environmental conditions. Regular cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces like doorknobs can help prevent the spread of germs.

What is the life span of a germ?

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Asked by Wiki User

The lifespan of a germ can vary depending on the type of germ and the conditions it is exposed to. Some germs can survive for a few hours to a few days on surfaces, while others may only survive for a few seconds to a few minutes. Proper cleaning and disinfection can help reduce the lifespan of germs.

What is the difference of cleanliness from sanitation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cleanliness refers to the absence of dirt and germs, while sanitation involves the creation and maintenance of hygienic conditions to prevent the spread of disease. Cleanliness addresses the physical appearance of a space, whereas sanitation focuses on eliminating health hazards by proper disposal of waste and sanitation practices.