


Roman Empire

The Roman empire spanned throughout Europe and Northern Africa. It stood from 44 BC to 286 AD. The Roman empire witnessed the time of the gladiator as well as a significant shift in religious views.

500 Questions

What is the final word to all roads lead to?

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All roads lead to ROME.

According to legend what did Santa have arranged in 1901?

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Did Nerva have failures?

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Nerve’s three major weaknesses were the circumstances of his proclamation as emperor, his desire to be a benign rule and the fact that he was childless. His predecessor, emperor Domitian was assassinated because he was a tyrannical ruler who instituted many treason trials against his opponents. Yet, Rome remained deeply divided. Despite many people hating Domitian, there were still many people who supported him. Nerva failed to deal with this situation.

Nerva was proclaimed emperor by the senate in haste, within hours of the news of the assassination of Domitian to prevent a civil war. He might have been considered a safe choice because he was old and childless. He lacked widespread support in the empire. Despite the fact that many senators suffered with Domitian’s many treason trials, there still was a pro-Domitian faction in the senate. Therefore, Nerva’s attempts to involve the senate in his government were only partially successful, even though he stopped the treason trials, returned the property confiscated by Domitian to its owners, released the people who had been imprisoned and gave amnesty to those who had been exiled.

To gain support among the people Nerva gave a sum of money to each Roman citizen, granted a large number of plots of land for the poor, exempted people from the inheritance tax and made loans to the rich conditional to paying an interest of 5% to the local council for the support of the needy. However, the expenses that this generosity involved got the treasury into trouble.

To appease the Praetorian (imperial) Guard, Nerva gave them a generous donation and sacked their head, who had been involved in Domitian’s assassination. However, support for Domitian was still strong in the army and the Praetorian Guard considered his measures insufficient. They demanded the execution of the assassins, but Nerva refused.

In his efforts to be a benign ruler, Nerva allowed the senate to continue to prosecute those who had been Domitian’s informers. This led to anarchy as the senators acted in their personal interest and tried to settle scores with personal enemies. It was said that Domitian’s tyranny was preferable to Nerva’s anarchy. A plot against him was discovered, but he refused to execute the conspirators. This met the disapproval of the senate. As he had no heir, Nerva considered adopting the governor of Syria to have him as his successor. This was opposed by those who supported general Trajan. The Praetorian Guard sieged his palace, took him hostage and forced him to meet their demand to hand over the assassins of Domitian for execution. His reputation was irreparably damaged. Nerva realised that without the support of the senate and the army his position was untenable. He adopted Trajan as his successor and shared power with him. Three months later he had a stroke and died soon afterwards. His reign lasted only just over 16 months.

What happened to Cassius and Brutus at the end of Act 3 Scene 2?

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In Act 3, Scene 2 of Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar," both Cassius and Brutus leave the scene after their confrontation. The argument strains their friendship and sets in motion the events leading to Caesar's assassination.

Which 18th Century English historian wrote The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire?

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Asked by CharlGabe

Edward Gibbon wrote "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" in the 18th century. Gibbon's work is considered a classic in historical literature and provides a comprehensive account of the Roman Empire's history and eventual decline.

What is a Roman Poet called?

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A Roman poet is called a "poeta". They were highly regarded in ancient Rome for their ability to create beautiful and moving verses in various poetic genres such as epic, lyric, and satire. Well-known Roman poets include Ovid, Virgil, and Horace.

Were roman children allowed to watch gladiator fights?

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Yes, Roman children were allowed to watch gladiator fights. It was a common form of entertainment in ancient Rome, and children were often present at these events alongside adults. However, the level of parental supervision and guidance varied depending on the family and social class.

Why was Ovid sent into exile in far corners of earth?

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Ovid was sent into exile by Emperor Augustus for unknown reasons, as Ovid himself never specified the exact cause in his writings. Some speculate it was due to his risque poetry or involvement in court scandals, but the true reason remains a mystery.

Why was public speaking so important in ancient Rome?

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Public speaking was crucial in ancient Rome as it was used to persuade, influence, and mobilize people in politics, courtrooms, and public debates. Oratory skills were highly valued and considered essential for success in political and social spheres, helping individuals gain power, prestige, and influence in Roman society. Additionally, public speaking was a way to uphold one's reputation and legacy, as eloquence demonstrated intelligence, leadership, and rhetorical prowess.

Which of these might be used to describe the writing of the roman satirist horace?

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Horace's writing is often described as witty, satirical, and sophisticated. He is known for combining humor with criticism of society and human nature in his works.

How old is Sharon reed from 19 action news?

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Asked by Wiki User

I do not have access to real-time information, so I am unable to provide the current age of Sharon Reed from 19 Action News. It is recommended to check the official website of the news channel or Sharon Reed's professional profile for updated information.

How can you describe the writings of the Roman satirist Juvenal?

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Juvenal's satirical writings are known for their sharp criticism of society, particularly focusing on corruption, decadence, and hypocrisy in ancient Rome. He used vivid and often exaggerated language to expose the flaws and vices of the Roman elite and society as a whole. Juvenal's works offer a scathing critique of the moral decay and social injustices prevalent in his time.

What does the Senate and People of Rome mean?

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"Senate and People of Rome" (SPQR) was a phrase used in ancient Rome to signify the governmental authority of both the Senate (representing the aristocracy) and the People (representing the citizens). It was used on official documents and as a symbol of the Roman Republic's unity and power.

What had the Augustan Age been called?

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The Augustan Age is also known as the Golden Age of Latin literature, named after the first Roman Emperor Augustus. It is characterized by a flourishing of literature, poetry, and art during his reign from 27 BC to 14 AD.

One of the main subjects used by the poet horace was the?

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One of the main subjects used by the poet Horace was the theme of carpe diem, which encourages readers to embrace the present moment and make the most of their lives. Horace also focused on themes such as the passage of time, love, friendship, and the simple joys of life.

How is a family purchasing power determined?

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A family's purchasing power is determined by factors such as their income, cost of living in their area, number of dependents, debt obligations, and any savings or investments they have. It essentially reflects how much money the family has available to spend on goods and services after accounting for all their financial obligations.

Who is Marcus Fitzgerald's wife?

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There is no publicly known information about Marcus Fitzgerald's wife.

Which is an example of Roman propaganda?

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One example of Roman propaganda is the creation of monuments and inscriptions that glorified military victories and the greatness of the Roman Empire. These monuments were strategically placed in public spaces to influence public perception and foster a sense of pride and loyalty to the empire.

Roman newspaper on Caesar's death?

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Headline: "Julius Caesar Brutally Assassinated: Republic in Turmoil" The Roman people were shocked today as news spread of Julius Caesar's assassination at the hands of fellow senators. The attack on the dictator has plunged Rome into chaos and uncertainty about the future of the Republic. Citizens are left questioning who will fill the power vacuum left in the wake of Caesar's untimely demise.

What would an ancient Roman newspaper editorial look like?

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An ancient Roman newspaper editorial would likely have focused on political issues, military campaigns, or public debates. It would have been written in a persuasive and opinionated style, often using rhetoric to sway public opinion or criticize political figures. The editorial might also have drawn on historical events or moral lessons from Roman culture to make its point.

Is Christian dead?

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Asked by Nikko Cormier

No he is very much alive

What was the problem in first-century Palestine?

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In the first century, Palestine experienced political unrest due to Roman occupation, social and economic inequality, religious tensions between Jews and Samaritans, and conflicts among Jewish sects like Pharisees, Sadducees, and Zealots.

Who assasinated Julius Caesar?

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Julius Caesar was assassinated by a group of Roman senators led by Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus on March 15, 44 BC. The assassination took place in the Theatre of Pompey in Rome.

Why were the pursuit and study of eroticism so important in ancient Indian culture?

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Eroticism was seen as a path to spiritual enlightenment in ancient Indian culture, particularly in traditions like Tantric practices, where exploring the sensual and sexual facets of human experience was considered a way to transcend earthly desires and achieve union with the divine. It was believed that embracing and understanding eroticism could lead to a deeper connection with the self, others, and the universe.

Byzantine art is notable for its?

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Asked by JamezwithaZ

Early use of bright colors and illuminated manuscripts (apex)