



Psychology is a broad subject that aims to understand behavior and mental processes. It tries to understand the role of mental functions in individual and social behavior. Sigmund Freud is a prominent figure in this field.

500 Questions

What is research that seeks to expand your understanding of psychological phenomenon?

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Research that seeks to expand understanding of psychological phenomena is typically referred to as empirical research. This type of research involves systematic observation and experimentation to gather data and test hypotheses about human behavior, cognition, emotions, and other psychological processes. Empirical research aims to uncover new insights, validate existing theories, or develop new ones, ultimately contributing to the advancement of psychological knowledge. Through careful design, data collection, and analysis, empirical research provides valuable evidence-based information that helps psychologists and researchers better understand the complexities of the human mind and behavior.

What are the different types of community diagnosis?

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  1. Define the two (2) types of community Diagnosis?

What is the American Psychological Association ethics code?

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If you want to know, ask THEM, rather than some random dogs on the internet... Just write them an Email.

What degree is needed to get a job in the psychology field?

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A bachelors of arts or science is oftentimes required for a graduate degree in psychology including a masters.

What are some career options for psychology majors?

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Psychology majors can pursue a great variety of careers. These include being a therapist, counselor, and human resources coordinator. They can also pursue doing research as a career for the field of psychology.

Examples of classical physics?

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Examples of classical physics include Newton's laws of motion, the principles of classical mechanics, and the study of electromagnetism by Maxwell's equations. These concepts describe the motion of objects under the influence of forces and the behavior of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields.

What does Emerson consider to be the essence of genius of virtue and of life?

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Emerson believes that self-reliance is the essence of genius, trusting in one's own instinct and intuition. For virtue, he emphasizes the importance of individual moral integrity and following one's conscience. In terms of life, Emerson stresses the significance of living authentically and in harmony with nature.

What is the relevance of Emerson's Self-Reliance on Psychology?

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Emerson's Self-Reliance emphasizes individualism, self-trust, and authenticity, which are key concepts in psychology for personal growth and well-being. The essay encourages individuals to rely on their inner resources and intuition, fostering self-awareness and empowerment. Psychologically, embracing self-reliance can lead to greater self-esteem, resilience, and a stronger sense of identity.

What does classical hermeneutics mean?

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Classical hermeneutics refers to the traditional approach to interpreting texts, particularly in the field of literature and philosophy. It involves a systematic method of understanding and analyzing texts to uncover their intended meaning and implications, often emphasizing the historical and cultural context in which the text was created. In classical hermeneutics, the focus is on uncovering the author's original intent and understanding the text within its broader context.

Four traits that describe the character pip?

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Ambitious, compassionate, impressionable, and introspective.

Why does Parsons brag about his children?

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Parsons brags about his children because he sees them as achievements that reflect his own success as a parent. He might also feel proud of their accomplishments and want to share that pride with others. Bragging about one's children can be a way for parents to seek validation and recognition.

What are the best powers to have?

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The best powers to have would depend on personal preferences and goals. Some popular choices might include super strength, telekinesis, teleportation, or time manipulation. Ultimately, the best powers would be ones that align with your values and how you desire to impact the world around you.

How did a rabbits foot become a lucky charm?

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The belief that a rabbit's foot brings good luck likely originated from ancient Celtic tribes who believed in the power of amulets to ward off evil spirits. Rabbits were considered lucky animals, and their feet were seen as particularly lucky because of their speed and agility. Over time, this belief evolved into a popular superstition in various cultures.

What does the poem Riches I hold in self esteem mean?

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The poem "Riches I hold in self esteem" expresses the idea that inner qualities and virtues such as wisdom, honesty, and kindness are more valuable than material wealth. It highlights the importance of self-worth and personal growth as true riches.

Where is the American Psychological Association?

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The American Psychology Association, also known as APA, the a professional and scientific organization of psychologists. They operate in The United States and Canada.

How reliable is American Psychological Association website?

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The American Psychological Association website is considered highly reliable for information related to psychology and mental health. It is a reputable source that follows rigorous editorial standards and peer-reviewed research in its publications. However, it is always a good practice to verify information from multiple sources.

Why does the domestic abuse make kids kill other kids?

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Experiencing domestic abuse can lead to a range of detrimental psychological and emotional effects on children, such as trauma, aggression, and a distorted sense of relationships and power dynamics. These can contribute to an increased risk of violent behavior, including harming others, though it is important to note that not all children who experience domestic abuse will exhibit violent behaviors towards others. Early intervention and support for children who have witnessed domestic abuse are crucial in preventing such outcomes.

Is ego good or bad?

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Ego can be both good and bad. It's healthy to have a balanced ego, which provides us with self-confidence and motivation to achieve our goals. However, when ego becomes inflated, it can lead to arrogance, selfishness, and negatively impact our relationships with others.

Who is Spiderman's alter ego?

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Spider-Man's alter ego is Peter Parker. He is a fictional character created by writer Stan Lee and artist Steve Ditko for Marvel Comics.

Advantages and disadvantages of field experiments in psychology?

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Advantages of field experiments in psychology include increased ecological validity, as they take place in real-world settings, and the ability to study behavior in natural environments. However, they can be difficult to control extraneous variables compared to laboratory experiments, and may be more time-consuming and costly to conduct.

What are different types of emotional intelligence?

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Emotional intelligence (EI) encompasses a spectrum of abilities essential for navigating the complexities of human interaction and personal well-being. Several models have been proposed to conceptualize the various facets of emotional intelligence, each highlighting different types or components. One widely recognized framework, proposed by psychologists Peter Salovey and John Mayer, identifies four branches of emotional intelligence:

Perceiving Emotions: The ability to accurately identify and recognize emotions in oneself and others, as well as in various situations and expressions. This involves being attuned to subtle emotional cues such as facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice.

Understanding Emotions: Involves comprehending the causes and meanings of emotions, both in oneself and others. This includes recognizing the complex interplay between emotions and thoughts, and understanding how emotions evolve and influence behavior.

Managing Emotions: Refers to the capacity to regulate and manage one's own emotions effectively. This involves strategies such as self-control, resilience, and adaptability in the face of challenges or stressful situations. It also encompasses the ability to channel emotions constructively and to express them appropriately.

Using Emotions: Involves leveraging emotions to facilitate interpersonal relationships, problem-solving, and decision-making. This includes skills such as empathy, social awareness, and effective communication, as well as the ability to motivate oneself and others towards shared goals.

Another popular model, introduced by psychologist Daniel Goleman, emphasizes five components of emotional intelligence:





Social skills

These dimensions collectively contribute to an individual's emotional intelligence and play a crucial role in personal and professional success. Developing and honing these different types of emotional intelligence can lead to greater self-awareness, improved relationships, and enhanced overall well-being.