


Philosophy and Philosophers

Philosophy is the rational study of fundamental and general problems, including knowledge, reason, values, existence, and language. Philosophers, such as Aristotle and Plato, are persons who act based on the rules of practical wisdom. They are considered “lovers of wisdom.”

500 Questions

Which theory challenges the notion that older adults are in despair because of social isolation?

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The socioemotional selectivity theory challenges the notion that older adults are in despair because of social isolation. This theory suggests that as people age, they become more selective with their social interactions and prioritize relationships that are emotionally meaningful and fulfilling. Older adults may experience a sense of contentment and satisfaction in their smaller social circles rather than despair from isolation.

In a classroom is discipline important?

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  • The importance of discipline in a student's life is to get them prepared for the working world. Students are given some wise teachings not only to concentrate on their subjects at school, but how to behave amongst the other students because once out in society they will have to reach back and use some of the tools they have learned at school.

Who argued that civilization corrupts people's natural goodness?

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Jean-Jacques Rousseau argued that civilization corrupts people's natural goodness. Rousseau believed that society's rules and expectations lead individuals to act unnaturally and that humans are inherently good in their natural state.

Are permanent friends and permanent enemies in international relations?

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Asked by KingJOTHAM

In international relations, there are no permanent friends or enemies. Foreign policy and alliances often shift based on changing circumstances and interests. Nations adapt their relationships with other countries to best serve their own strategic goals.

Who developed utilitarianism?

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Utilitarianism was developed by Jeremy Bentham and later refined by John Stuart Mill. Bentham's principle of utility states that the most ethical action is the one that maximizes overall happiness or pleasure, while minimizing pain or suffering.

Relevance of philosophy to political science?

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Philosophy is relevant to political science as it provides a theoretical framework for understanding political systems, ideologies, and values. Philosophical concepts like justice, liberty, and rights influence political debates and decisions. Political scientists often use philosophical principles to analyze political theories and policies.

Where did erick erickson get his theory idea's from?

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Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory was influenced by his training in psychoanalysis with Anna Freud, as well as his own experiences and observations working with children and adolescents. He also drew inspiration from cultural and anthropological studies. Ultimately, Erikson's theory combined elements of Freudian psychoanalysis with a focus on social and cultural influences on human development.

Why do developed countries have a greater percentage of people over the age 65 than developing countries?

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Asked by ADAM099

Developed countries typically have lower birth rates and higher life expectancy due to advanced healthcare and better living conditions. This demographic shift leads to an aging population compared to developing countries, where higher birth rates and lower life expectancy contribute to a younger population overall.

What are the basic approaches of the study of tourism?

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Asked by Wiki User

The basic approaches of the study of tourism include analyzing the economic impact of tourism on destinations, researching the motivations and behaviors of tourists, understanding the sociocultural implications of tourism, and examining the environmental sustainability of tourism practices.

People are naturally good but bad governments can corrupt them?

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It is generally believed that people have an innate capacity for good, but external influences such as bad governance can lead individuals to engage in negative behaviors. Research suggests that the social and political environment plays a significant role in shaping individuals' moral character and behavior. Therefore, building strong institutions and promoting good governance is crucial for fostering a society where individuals can thrive and act in accordance with their inherent goodness.

Population that grow without restriction are experiencing what?

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Population with unrestricted growth is classified as a boom. The US experienced a boom after World War II when thousands of soldiers returned home.

Can you link Spartacus to communism?

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Spartacus was a leader of a slave uprising against the Roman Republic in the 1st century BC. His revolt is sometimes romanticized by communist movements because of his fight for freedom and equality against an oppressive system. However, it is important to note that Spartacus himself did not espouse communist ideology, as communism as a political theory did not exist during his time.

What does the saying Absolute power corrupts absolutely mean?

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This saying suggests that when someone has complete authority or control, they are likely to abuse it for their own benefit and become tyrannical. It highlights the idea that unchecked power can lead to unethical or immoral behavior.

Why people accept bribery?

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Asked by Chathuni

I'm not saying all celebrities, but because they are "famous", some of them are willing to do it.

What form of government did Thomas Hobbes believe in?

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Asked by Wiki User

Thomas Hobbes believed in an absolute monarchy as the most effective form of government. He argued that a strong central authority was necessary to maintain social order and prevent chaos. This belief was outlined in his work "Leviathan."

How did greek and roman versions of democracy differ?

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Asked by Wiki User

Both Greek and Roman democracies were based on citizen participation in governance, but there were key differences. Greek democracy in Athens was direct, with citizens voting directly on laws and policies, while Roman democracy was more representative, with elected officials making decisions on behalf of the people. Additionally, Greek democracy was limited to free male citizens, while Roman democracy eventually extended to include more diverse groups.

Should euthanasia mercy killing be legal?

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Asked by Wiki User

The legality of euthanasia is a complex and controversial topic with moral, ethical, and legal considerations. Some argue that it can provide a compassionate end for those suffering from terminal illness, while others raise concerns about potential abuse and the sanctity of life. Ultimately, the decision on whether euthanasia should be legal is a matter for society to debate and determine through careful consideration of various viewpoints and consequences.

What are different approaches to the study of Tanzania politics?

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Different approaches to the study of Tanzanian politics can include historical analysis, comparative politics with other African nations, examination of political institutions and actors, and consideration of socio-economic factors influencing political dynamics in the country. Researchers may also explore the impact of colonial history, post-independence leadership, and democratization processes on Tanzania's political development.

What is Marxist approach in politics?

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The Marxist approach in politics is based on the belief that the political system is a reflection of the underlying economic structure of society. Marxists see politics as a tool used by the ruling class to maintain their power and control over the working class. They advocate for a revolution to overthrow the capitalist system and create a classless society based on collective ownership of the means of production.

What is fascism view of human nature?

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Fascism typically views human nature as inherently competitive, with individuals grouped in hierarchies based on strength and loyalty to the state. Fascism emphasizes the importance of obedience, discipline, and a strong leader to maintain order and unity within society. It often portrays human nature as naturally violent and in need of strict control to prevent chaos.

What did Baron de Montesquieu believe in?

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Baron de Montesquieu believed in the separation of powers in government, with distinct branches acting as checks on one another to prevent tyranny. He also emphasized the importance of a government's laws being based on the specific characteristics and needs of its society to ensure success and harmony.

Why do people always want more?

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People may always want more because of societal pressures to achieve success, feelings of inadequacy, or a desire for self-improvement. Additionally, consumer culture promotes the idea that more material possessions lead to happiness and fulfillment.

What is the value of your life?

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The value of a life is immeasurable and cannot be quantified. Each person's life is unique and valuable in its own way, based on their experiences, relationships, contributions to society, and impact on others.

Can people live forever?

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As of now, there is no scientific evidence or technology that allows people to live forever. While advances in medicine and biotechnology are helping people live longer, aging and mortality are still inevitable aspects of human life. However, ongoing research is being conducted to better understand the aging process and explore ways to potentially extend lifespan.

What is a progressive Republican?

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A progressive Republican is a member of the Republican Party who advocates for social and political reform, often supporting policies that prioritize social welfare, environmental protection, and economic equality. They tend to be more moderate or liberal-leaning in their views, differentiating themselves from more conservative elements within the party.