


Metaphors Metonymy and Synecdoche

Includes questions about the use of expressions to refer one thing to another. Metaphors are comparisons without the use of the words "like" or "as". Ex: All the world's a stage. Metonymy shows association between two concepts. Ex: The press was banned from the room. (Press, meaning reporters.) Synechdoche is a part or a whole concept described by a single body part. Ex: All hands on deck.

500 Questions

What is a example of metaphor in inkheart?

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In "Inkheart," a metaphor can be found when Meggie describes Capricorn as having a "heart like an abyss." This metaphor compares Capricorn's heart to a vast and empty void, emphasizing his lack of empathy or humanity.

Are there metaphor's in thriller?

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Yes, metaphors can be found in thriller literature. Metaphors are often used to create suspense, build tension, or convey deeper meanings in the narrative, adding layers of complexity to the story and engaging the reader on a symbolic level.

What is one metaphor in enders game?

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One metaphor in "Ender's Game" is the idea of the games and simulations representing the pressures and challenges that Ender faces in real life. The battle school becomes a metaphor for the battlefield of his own life, where he must navigate complex situations and make difficult decisions.

What metaphor did the author use to describe their cattle car nailed shut by the German officers book Night?

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The author, Elie Wiesel, describes their cattle car as being like a "sealed cattle wagon." This metaphor signifies the dehumanizing conditions the prisoners faced during their transportation to the concentration camp, emphasizing their confinement, helplessness, and lack of basic rights.

What is an example of a metaphor in the book crispin?

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In "Crispin: The Cross of Lead," the metaphor of Crispin's journey symbolizes his personal growth and discovery of his true identity. As he navigates through challenges and connects with others, he transforms from a fearful boy to a courageous young man, mirroring the idea of a journey as a metaphor for self-discovery and inner strength.

What are metaphors in chapter 5 of Of Mice and Men?

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"Her face was made up and all the little sausage curls were all in place"

How can you describe a spooky setting in a metaphor?

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A metaphor is a figure of speech in which one thing is described as another thing. An example of metaphor in a spooky story is " the black cat was a screeching banshee."

How is a metaphor used in Eragon?

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The book of Eragon is considered a poor literary piece by many it seems. It uses devices such as cliches, graphic shock value, and bloat.

Is it a metaphor to peanut butter sandwhich by Shel Silverstein?

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In Shel Silverstein's poem "Peanut-Butter Sandwich," the speaker expresses a desire for a peanut butter sandwich but is denied one by his mother. The poem uses humor and exaggeration to explore themes of disappointment and frustration in a playful way. It is not a traditional metaphor, but rather a whimsical piece of children's literature.

Is to be great is to be misunderstood by Emerson a metaphor?

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No, this statement by Emerson is not a metaphor. It conveys the idea that those who strive for greatness may face misunderstanding or criticism from others.

Do metaphors used in literature have only one correct interpretation?

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No, metaphors in literature can have multiple interpretations depending on the context, perspective, and experience of the reader. Different readers may interpret a metaphor differently based on their own unique understanding and emotional response to the text.

What are the metaphors in the soldier?

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Asked by Hanwoolt

"The Soldier" by Rupert Brooke is filled with metaphors. Some examples include comparing the soldier's death to a "corner of a foreign field that will forever be England" and describing the soldier's spirit as something that "gives back the thoughts by England given." These metaphors evoke a sense of patriotism and sacrifice in the poem.

What are some symbols in the book copper sun?

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Some symbols in the book "Copper Sun" include the copper sun itself, which represents hope and resilience, and the shackles that symbolize the oppression and dehumanization of slavery. The journey from Africa to America can also be seen as a symbol of loss, change, and survival.

What is a metaphor for thumbelina?

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Thumbelina can be metaphorically described as a delicate and petite flower blossoming in an oversized world.

Why do authors use assonance?

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Authors use assonance to create a musical or rhythmic quality in their writing, to draw attention to specific words or ideas, and to evoke certain emotions or enhance the mood of their writing. Assonance can also help with creating memorable phrases or highlighting key themes in a text.

What metaphors are in The Mist?

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In "The Mist," the mist itself serves as a metaphor for the unknown, fear, and the darkness that surrounds the characters. Additionally, the creatures lurking within the mist can be seen as metaphors for the characters' inner demons or the dangers of the unknown.

What is an example of a metaphor in Fahrenheit 451 before page 31?

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One example of a metaphor in Fahrenheit 451 before page 31 is the comparison of burning books to “pouring kerosene” on the mind of society, implying that the act of censorship destroys knowledge and intellectual growth.

What are some examples and page numbers metaphors are found in in the novel Tangerine?

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In the novel "Tangerine" by Edward Bloor, metaphors can be found throughout the story. For example, on page 69, the narrator compares the muck fields to a war zone, highlighting the intense and chaotic atmosphere of the soccer game. Another example is on page 231, where Erik's behavior is likened to a shark, emphasizing his predatory and ruthless nature.

Which part is a metaphor in the line from Thank You Ma'am by Langston Hughes The large woman simply turned around and kicked him right square in his blue jean sitter?

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The phrase "blue jean sitter" is a metaphor in this line. It is used to describe the part of the boy that was kicked in a playful and colloquial way, comparing it to the area where someone sits in their blue jeans.

Can you tell me About Fountain and Tomb the book By Naguib Mahfouz?

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"Fountain and Tomb" is a collection of two novellas by Egyptian writer Naguib Mahfouz. The stories explore themes of love, loss, and identity against the backdrop of Cairo. The characters grapple with existential questions and societal pressures in a changing world.

Two examples of metaphors similies personification and symbols with page numbers and meanings for each book in the king must die by Mary Renault?

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  1. Metaphor: In "The King Must Die," a metaphor can be found on page 45 when the author compares a young warrior to a wild animal, emphasizing his ferocity and instinctual nature. This metaphor highlights the character's primal qualities and his readiness for battle.

  2. Simile: Another example can be found on page 110, where the author uses a simile to describe the protagonist's movements in combat as "fluid as a river." This simile conveys the grace and agility of the character in battle, likening his movements to the natural flow of water.

  3. Personification: On page 76, personification is used when the author describes the earth as "thirsty" for rain. This personification gives the earth human-like qualities, emphasizing its need for water and creating a sense of urgency for the impending drought.

  4. Symbol: A symbol can be found on page 210 when the author uses the labyrinth as a symbol of challenges and obstacles in life. This symbol represents the protagonist's journey through life, filled with twists and turns that he must navigate to reach his ultimate goal.

What does Ahab's Metaphor pasteboard masks to visible objects mean?

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In "Moby-Dick," Ahab's metaphor of "pasteboard masks to visible objects" means that he sees the things he encounters as false or deceptive representations that hide the true nature of reality. He views the world as a facade that conceals deeper truths and seeks to uncover these hidden meanings.

What are examples of metaphors in crank?

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Examples of metaphors in the novel "Crank" include comparing the drug addiction to a monster creeping up on the protagonist, likening the dependency on drugs to being in a sinking ship, and describing the highs and lows of drug use as riding a roller coaster. These metaphors help illustrate the destructive nature of addiction and its impact on the protagonist's life.