


Literature and Language

Literature includes written works of an imaginative, journalistic or scholarly nature. Language is a system of spoken and written symbols by means of which people can communicate with each other. We invite you to ask and answer questions about languages and literature; including pronunciation, grammar, definitions, examples, acronyms, abbreviations, etc.

500 Questions

Que es un ensayo expositorio?

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Asked by Wiki User

Un ensayo expositivo es un tipo de ensayo en el que se presenta información de manera clara, objetiva y concisa sobre un tema en particular. Se basa en hechos y evidencias para informar al lector sobre un asunto específico, sin incluir opiniones personales del autor. Generalmente se estructura con una introducción, desarrollo de ideas y conclusión.

What does the name Ning mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

The name Ning is of Chinese origin and can have different meanings depending on the characters used to write it. Some possible meanings include peace, tranquility, or quiet.

Best topic for your tagalog term paper?

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Asked by Wiki User

One possible topic for a Tagalog term paper could be "Ang Epekto ng Bagong Teknolohiya sa Kabataan ngayon," which translates to "The Effects of New Technology on Youth Today." This topic allows for exploration of how technology is influencing the behavior, attitudes, and social interactions of young people in the Philippines.

Why are words invented?

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Asked by Wiki User

Words are invented to serve as a means of communication and to convey thoughts, ideas, and information. They allow us to express ourselves, share knowledge, and connect with others. In essence, words are tools that help us navigate and make sense of the world around us.

A fact on why kids should learn a foreign language?

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Asked by Wiki User

Learning a foreign language from a young age can enhance cognitive development, improve problem-solving skills, and foster a greater appreciation for diverse cultures. It also opens up opportunities for future academic and professional success in an increasingly globalized world.

What is the Sanskrit word for 'is'?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can use asti(singular)/santi(plural) (both stem from *h₁es- the proto-Indo-European verb) and bhavati (to become).

Why there are a lot of lenguages around the world?

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Asked by Wiki User

Languages developed independently in different regions due to isolation, migration, and cultural interactions. These factors contributed to the diversity of languages we see today. Over time, languages evolved and diverged, leading to the plethora of languages spoken worldwide.

What is the thirty-second parallel?

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Asked by Wiki User

The thirty-second parallel is a circle of latitude that is 32 degrees south of the Earth's equatorial plane. It passes through various countries including Australia, Chile, and South Africa.

What is the difference between a symbol and a sign?

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Asked by Wiki User

A symbol carries a deeper or more abstract meaning, often representing an idea or concept beyond its literal interpretation. A sign, on the other hand, directly conveys a specific message or information without additional layers of meaning.

How do you say your beautiful in Chinese?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can say "你很美" (nǐ hěn měi) in Chinese to mean "you are beautiful".

What are the differences between leverage and utilize?

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Asked by Wiki User

Leverage typically refers to gaining an advantage or maximizing potential by using a specific resource or tool. Utilize, on the other hand, simply means to make use of something effectively or efficiently. While leverage implies gaining a strategic advantage, utilize focuses on the practical application of a resource.

Language as a symbolic process?

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Asked by Wiki User

Language as a symbolic process refers to the ability of language to represent abstract concepts, feelings, and ideas through words and symbols. This allows individuals to communicate complex thoughts and emotions, shaping and influencing our perception of the world and our interactions with others. Symbolic language enables us to share knowledge, experiences, and culture, fostering connections and understanding among people.

What words contain phon?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some words that contain "phon" include telephone, microphone, symphony, and phonics.

What are two groups of Marxists in 1903?

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Asked by Wiki User

In 1903, two major groups of Marxists were the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks. These groups became divided over ideological and strategic differences, with the Mensheviks advocating for a more gradual approach to revolution and the Bolsheviks calling for a more aggressive, revolutionary stance. This split would play a crucial role in the Russian Revolution of 1917.

What are the three factors of communication?

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Asked by Wiki User

The three main factors of communication are sender, message, and receiver. Sender is the person or source who initiates the communication, message is the information being shared, and receiver is the person or group for whom the message is intended. Effective communication requires all three factors to work together seamlessly.

What is the meaning of 'settle for'?

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Asked by Wiki User

To "settle for" means to accept or agree to something that is less than what one truly desires or deserves. It implies compromising or accepting a lower standard or outcome than what was originally sought.

Human Relations Part 2?

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Asked by Wiki User

Human relations in the workplace involve how individuals interact with one another, communicate effectively, resolve conflicts, and collaborate towards common goals. It is essential for creating a positive work environment, fostering teamwork, boosting employee morale, and increasing productivity. Developing strong human relations skills can lead to improved relationships among colleagues and better overall performance within an organization.

What is loveage?

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Asked by Wiki User

Loveage is a herb that belongs to the parsley family, with a flavor similar to celery. It is often used as a culinary herb to flavor dishes like soups, stews, and salads. Loveage is also known for its medicinal properties, such as its ability to help with digestion and reduce inflammation.

Where is the Welsh language most widely spoken?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Welsh language is most widely spoken in Wales, particularly in the north and west regions of the country. It is recognized as one of the official languages of Wales alongside English.

What is the analogy affect is to effect as influence is to?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well, since the analogy here seems to be only based on spelling, I would say the answer is AFFECT is to EFFECT as INFLUENCE is to AFFLUENCE or EFFLUENCE. It would be hard to make a strong case either way, but if we're working with real words (which is just an assumption), those seem like the closest matches. CONFLUENCE retains the N, and might be another option, but there aren't any really strong arguments in there with relation to word meanings.

What is the antonym for incumbent?

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Asked by Wiki User

That depends on if you are talking about the noun or the adjective. The noun does not have an antonym. The adjective, however, does have an antonym and it is elective, optional, or voluntary.

Why doesn't everyone in the world just speak English?

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Asked by Wiki User

Language is a vital part of culture and identity for many people, so there is value in preserving and using diverse languages. Also, local languages can be more effective for communication within specific communities. Additionally, the history of colonization and imperialism has led to English becoming a dominant global language, but forcing everyone to adopt it could undermine linguistic diversity.

What is the order in which things happen called?

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Asked by Wiki User

The order in which things happen is called a sequence. It refers to the arrangement or progression of events or items in a particular order.

What are the characteristics of Bicolano people?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bicolano people are known for being hospitable, warm, and cheerful. They take pride in their strong sense of community and cultural heritage, which is evident in their colorful festivals and traditions. They are also known for their love of spicy food, particularly dishes made with coconut milk and chili peppers.