


Legal Definitions

The legal process uses highly specialized language and terms. Ask about their definitions in this category.

500 Questions

What is circumstantial evidence what has it got to do with tom's conviction?

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Circumstantial evidence is evidence that indirectly suggests someone's guilt, as opposed to direct evidence like eyewitness testimony. In Tom's case, circumstantial evidence such as his fingerprints on the murder weapon and his presence at the crime scene led to his conviction, even though there was no direct proof that he committed the crime.

What is a jury verdict?

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The word 'verdict' refers to the judgment rendered by the court.

What do title abstractors do?

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Title abstractors research historical documents to trace the ownership of a property back to its origin. They provide a summary of the property's legal history, including any liens, encumbrances, or restrictions that may affect its ownership. This information is crucial for real estate transactions to ensure a clear title transfer.

The different between Egyptian figure sculpture and the greek kouros sculpture?

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Egyptian figure sculpture typically depicted figures with rigid poses and frontal stances, often with symbolic gestures and facial expressions. Greek kouros sculptures, on the other hand, portrayed nude male youths in dynamic, naturalistic poses with a sense of movement and anatomical accuracy.

An example of impervious in a sentence?

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The rain poured down, but the impervious roof kept us dry.

What does malveaux mean?

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"Malveaux" is a French surname that originated in the southern region of France. It is believed to be derived from the Latin word "malva," meaning "mallow plant." Names like Malveaux are often associated with individuals of French descent.

What the difference between civics and ethics?

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Asked by Wiki User

Civics deals with the rights and responsibilities of citizens in a society, focusing on how government functions and how individuals can participate in the community. Ethics, on the other hand, refers to moral principles that guide behavior and decision-making, focusing on what is considered right or wrong in a given situation.

What is called Papad in english?

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Papad is called a "papadum" in English. It is a thin, crisp disc-shaped food typically made from a seasoned dough of lentils, chickpea flour, rice, or potato.

What is the definition of dishonest practice?

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Dishonest practice refers to any deceitful, unethical, or fraudulent behavior aimed at gaining an advantage or deceiving others. It can include actions such as lying, cheating, or misrepresentation, especially in a professional or business context.

How do you write an authorization letter for redeeming pawns?

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To write an authorization letter for redeeming pawns, include your identification details, the name of the authorized person, a statement granting permission to redeem the pawned item on your behalf, details of the pawn transaction (such as ticket number and description of the item), and your signature. Make sure to specify any limitations or conditions of the authorization in the letter.

What is difference between moa and aoa in company?

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MOA stands for Memorandum of Association, which is a legal document that contains the company's objectives, powers, and scope of operations. AOA stands for Articles of Association, which outlines the rules and regulations governing the internal management of the company, such as appointment of directors and shareholder relationships. Essentially, MOA defines the external activities a company can undertake, while AOA governs its internal functioning.

What is difference between axetil and proxetil?

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Cefpodoxime proxetil and cefuroxime axetil are both oral cephalosporin antibiotics used to treat various bacterial infections. However, cefpodoxime is more commonly used for respiratory tract infections, while cefuroxime is more frequently used for skin and soft tissue infections. The choice between the two drugs depends on the specific type of infection being treated.

What is the difference between benign and non benign?

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benign means cancerous in most cases...ex. doctors will tell if a tumor is benign or not...if it is contains no cancer cells.....if it is not...then you get the idea..... Benign means non cancerous.

What are CPR experts called?

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CPR experts are known as certified CPR instructors or CPR trainers. They are individuals who have completed specific training programs and certifications to teach others the proper techniques of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

Which term is used for the implied meaning of a word?

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The term used for the implied meaning of a word is "connotation." Connotation refers to the emotions, attitudes, or ideas associated with a word beyond its literal definition.

What is the difference between a resin one surface anterior and three surface?

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Tthe one surface means that the dentist only worked on one surface/side of your tooth, let's say the front part, if it is two surface he worked on 2 sides, the front and one side of your tooth, If it is 3 surfaces he worked on front, back and one side of the tooth

Define Marketing and marketing process?

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Asked by Wiki User

Marketing is the process of promoting, selling, and distributing goods or services to satisfy the needs and wants of customers. The marketing process involves identifying, anticipating, and satisfying customer needs profitably through strategic planning, research, promotion, pricing, and distribution.

What is mediocrity?

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Mediocrity means doing things in a half-hearted way, being average by design and not caring enough to try your best. Some people say it's a sin because you're not actually putting any effort into things, but floating along without using your God-given talents.

Define an excursionist?

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An excursionist is a person who goes on a short journey or trip for pleasure, typically for a day or part of a day, often with a specific destination or activity in mind.

What is medical malpractice?

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Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare professional's actions deviate from the accepted standard of care, resulting in harm or injury to a patient. This can include errors in diagnosis, treatment, aftercare, or health management that lead to negative outcomes for the patient. In such cases, the patient may have grounds to pursue legal action against the healthcare provider.

Can you give examples of s-tv-io-do sentence pattern?

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Asked by Wiki User

5 example of S-TV-IO-DO pattern.

Jane gave Jhon a story book.

Catty baked Sarah a cake.

Sammy bought Camille a gift.

Ken gave me a chocolate.

Letty gave us a pen.

What is sole authority?

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Sole authority refers to having complete control, jurisdiction, or decision-making power over a specific matter or domain. It means that there is no other individual or entity that shares or disputes this authority, and the person or organization holds exclusive rights to make decisions or take actions in that area.

What does lucrative mean?

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Lucrative- adj. profitable
producing a great deal of profit.

What is the difference between the dutch and the English?

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The same as the difference between the Americans and the Canadians

England and The Netherlands are two completely different countries.

What is translator in computing?

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Translator is defined as a computer program that converts instructions written in one language to another without changing the initial logic in terms of computer language.