

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

The Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is a DNA virus with more than 100 varieties in existence, 40 of which affect the genitals. It is transmitted by skin-to-skin contact, most notably through sexual intercourse (though not always). Most HPV infections will not show any symptoms, but HPV can cause a variety of warts and cervical cancer.

500 Questions

What are the names of Jeff Kinney's parents?

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Jeff Kinney's parents are Marie Kinney and Ron Kinney.

What is the medical term meaning region between the lungs in the chest cavity?

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The medical term for the region between the lungs in the chest cavity is "mediastinum." This area contains the heart, major blood vessels, esophagus, trachea, and other vital structures. Any abnormalities or diseases affecting the mediastinum can have significant health implications.

What is the Medical terminology for paralysis of the diaphragm?

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The medical term for paralysis of the diaphragm is "diaphragmatic paralysis." This condition can lead to breathing difficulties and may require medical intervention, such as respiratory therapy or surgery to help improve breathing function.

Can other things beside HPV cause cervical cancer?

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Yes, besides human papillomavirus (HPV), several other factors can contribute to the development of cervical cancer. HPV infection, particularly with high-risk types of the virus, is the primary cause of cervical cancer. However, additional factors can increase the risk or act as cofactors in the progression of cervical cancer. These factors include:


Smoking tobacco is a known risk factor for cervical cancer. It not only increases the risk of HPV persistence but also has direct carcinogenic effects on cervical cells.

Weakened Immune System:

Conditions or medications that weaken the immune system can make the body less effective in clearing HPV infections. HIV infection, immunosuppressive medications, and organ transplantation are examples of factors that can weaken the immune system.

Oral Contraceptives (Birth Control Pills):

Long-term use of oral contraceptives (birth control pills) has been associated with a slightly increased risk of cervical cancer. The risk may decrease after discontinuing their use.

Multiple Full-Term Pregnancies:

Women who have had multiple full-term pregnancies may have a slightly increased risk of cervical cancer. The exact reasons for this association are not fully understood.

Family History:

A family history of cervical cancer may increase the risk. Genetic factors may play a role, although the majority of cervical cancers are not hereditary.

Chlamydia Infection:

Infection with the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis has been linked to an increased risk of cervical cancer. This association is not as strong as the link between HPV and cervical cancer.

Poor Socioeconomic Factors:

Limited access to healthcare, inadequate screening, and lower socioeconomic status may contribute to a higher risk of cervical cancer.

Diet and Nutrition:

A diet low in fruits and vegetables may be associated with an increased risk of cervical cancer. Adequate nutrition is important for overall health and immune function.

Lymph nodes located in the armpits?

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Lymph nodes are located throughout the entire body, linked by the lymphatic vessels.

What does a sand flea bite look like?

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Well, I've experienced sand gnat bites before so. When you first get it on the first day it should look like a little red dot or pale dot. the second day, you may start to itch a little and it get a little redder. But be careful of how much you itch it because it might start to bleed or be infected. What you do if it really itches is to go to a drug store around you somewhere and get itching cream extra strength. then you must apply it on your face, but not to much like 3-4 times. that should do it. but you also may get 1-20 bites somewhere on your body.

What role do kidneys play in excretion in frogs?

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Urine is waste from the blood that the kidneys filter from the body. Kidneys in the body of a frog function in the excretion of urine.

Do Koalas have two thumbs?

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It has two thumbs on each front paw and three thumbs on each back paw.

Koalas do not have two thumbs as such, although this may seem the case. They have five toes on each foot, and the front feet have two opposable toes. They are not actually both thumbs, but they serve the purpose of opposable thumbs, assisting the koala to grip and climb trees.

The hind feet also do not have thumbs. The second and third toes of the hind feet are joined, but they are not thumbs. The joining gives them extra grip for climbing tall, straight eucalyptus trees with smooth bark.


Where do insects have chemical receptors for taste and smell?

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gross unless your like a bug beetle guy/dudet person hard ones like chips soft ones like gummies ;)

What is a shark's skeleton made of?

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cartlidge or bone
Sharks have a skeleton made of Cartlige.
A sharks skeleton is made of cartilage.
Shark skeletons are made of cartilage. Like our noses and ears.

What are the threats to a box jellyfish's survival?

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Other species of jellyfish are among the most common and important jellyfish predators, some of which specialize in jellies. Other predators include tuna, shark, swordfish, sea turtles, and at least one species of Pacific salmon.

Can one get red eyes from drinking alcohol?

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yes it can i get red glossy eyes whe i drink alcohol. im not sure why or what it means when that like to know

What is the cock's comb?

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Its the fleshy sticky up bit on top of a cockerals head, usually red in colour.

Hope this helps.

What do you call a person who spins wool at spindle?

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I believe you are talking about the Cotton Gin.

Tresaderm can humans use it in their ear?

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i just called pharmacist-she replied "no there are different sterile requirements"

i am sure there are other opioions and i def. wont go on what she said.

Where is the femur?

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upper leg


What is the difference between positive and negative feedback cycles?

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Most of our bodies systems run on negative feedback. This means, for example, say you are hungry. Your body produces and releases a signal and when you are fed, your body realizes it needs to stop making you feel hungry. So other hormones/signals are released to quiet down the initial one. Very few of ourbodies systems run on positive feedback. One example is labor contractions. A signal is given in the body to have a small contraction, that contraction happens and instead of the body saying "okay mission accomplished" and quiteig down the first signal (like in negative feedback) it actually INCREASES the amount of the initial signal so you get more and more powerful contractions.

Hope I explained that so you understand it!