How does DDT get from the body of a mother sea lion into the body of her pup after the pup is born?
DDT, which is a toxic pesticide, transfers from a mother sea lion to a pup through nursing. Even if the pup is not directly exposed to the DDT, it can be indirectly exposed through its mother's milk.
How many hamsters does it take to get to the moon?
Oh, dude, that's a tough one. So, technically speaking, it would take an infinite number of hamsters to reach the moon because they can't survive in space. But hey, if you figure out how to make tiny hamster spacesuits, let me know. I'd love to see that mission launch!
How many books stacked on top of each other does it take to reach 1 million feet?
Oh, what a lovely thought! To reach 1 million feet, you would need approximately 6,684 books stacked on top of each other. Just imagine the beautiful tower of knowledge and stories that would create! Keep dreaming big and let your imagination soar like a happy little bird.
What kind of fruit should you not give to a hamster?
You should not give citrus fruits to a hamster. Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruits are too acidic for a hamster's digestive system and can cause stomach upset or other health issues. It's best to stick to safe fruits like apples, bananas, and strawberries in moderation as treats for your hamster.
Hamsters can technically eat olives in small quantities as an occasional treat, but they are not a natural part of their diet. Olives are high in fat and salt, which can be harmful to hamsters in excess. It's important to remove the pit and any excess salt before offering an olive to a hamster. It's recommended to stick to their regular diet of hamster pellets, fresh vegetables, and occasional fruits for optimal health.
Well, darling, people barf because their stomach is like, "Nope, not today!" It's your body's way of saying, "Get rid of this crap, I don't want it." So, whether it's bad food, a nasty virus, or too much tequila, your body is just doing its job to keep you healthy. So, grab a bucket and ride the porcelain bus, because your stomach means business.
Why do hamsters have black eyes?
Although most hamsters have black eyes, some have red or brown eyes. This is due to the fact that hamsters are partially blind, and in the day can only see shadows of people and things around them, which is why you have to be careful not to wave above them or make sudden movements. A hand above the hamster could seem like a bird of prey to it. However, during the night, hamsters can see much better as they are naturally nocturnal animals.
The red pigment in red eyed hamsters is a result of them being albino.
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Do you touch privates to have a baby?
Well, honey, in the world of baby-making, touching privates is definitely involved if you want to conceive. But let's not forget about the whole process of fertilization and implantation that happens inside the body. So, yes, touching privates is part of the fun, but it's not the only factor in making a baby.
Can roborovski dwarf hamsters eat timothy hay?
Timothy hay is a safe and appropriate choice for roborovski dwarf hamsters to eat. It is a good source of fiber which helps with their digestion. Make sure the hay is fresh and clean before offering it to your hamster.
While it is difficult to definitively determine if hamsters are ticklish due to their limited ability to communicate their sensations, some experts believe that they may experience a ticklish sensation when touched in certain areas. Ticklishness is believed to be a natural response to unexpected or light touches on sensitive areas of the body. Observing a hamster's reactions to gentle touches, such as giggling or squirming, may suggest that they are ticklish, but further research is needed to confirm this hypothesis.
What should I do if my child's hamster died?
When a child's hamster dies, it is important to be honest and gentle in explaining what happened. Encourage your child to express their feelings and offer comfort. You can also consider having a small ceremony or burial to help with closure. It's okay to grieve and remember the happy times with the hamster.
Is it possible for babies to sense pregnancy before the mother is aware of it"?
Yes, it is possible for babies to sense pregnancy before the mother is aware of it. This is because babies can pick up on changes in the mother's body and hormones, which may indicate pregnancy before it is confirmed.
How do babies typically behave or act differently when their mother is pregnant?
Babies may sense changes in their mother's body and behavior during pregnancy. They may become more clingy, fussy, or show signs of separation anxiety. Some babies may also be more sensitive to their mother's emotions and physical changes.
How do babies typically behave or react when their mother is pregnant?
Babies may show signs of increased clinginess, curiosity, or awareness when their mother is pregnant. They may also exhibit changes in behavior or mood due to sensing changes in their environment.
Babies can perceive changes in their mother's body during pregnancy through various cues such as changes in hormone levels, physical changes, and changes in the mother's behavior. Some studies suggest that babies may be able to sense pregnancy before it is medically confirmed, possibly through changes in the mother's scent or subtle behavioral cues. However, more research is needed to fully understand how babies perceive pregnancy before it is confirmed.
How can babies sense when their mother is pregnant and what are the signs they may exhibit?
Babies can sense changes in their mother's body during pregnancy through hormonal and physical cues. Some signs they may exhibit include increased clinginess, restlessness, and changes in feeding or sleeping patterns.
How can babies sense or perceive changes in their mother's body when she is pregnant?
Babies can sense changes in their mother's body when she is pregnant through various cues such as changes in hormones, movements, and sounds within the womb. They may also pick up on changes in their mother's behavior and emotions, which can impact their own reactions and perceptions.
How can a mother effectively manage breastfeeding two babies of different ages simultaneously?
To effectively manage breastfeeding two babies of different ages simultaneously, a mother can establish a feeding schedule, use a nursing pillow for support, and practice tandem feeding techniques. It is important to prioritize the needs of each baby and seek support from a lactation consultant if needed.
Do rabbits store food in their cheeks?
Rabbits do not store food in their cheeks like some other animals such as hamsters or chipmunks. Rabbits have a unique digestive system that requires them to constantly eat and pass food through their system to maintain proper gut health. They do have a small pouch in their esophagus called a "gullet" that can temporarily store food before it is swallowed, but this is not the same as cheek pouches found in other animals.
No, hamsters should not eat pepperoni. Pepperoni is a processed meat product that is high in fat, salt, and spices, all of which can be harmful to a hamster's digestive system. It is important to feed hamsters a balanced diet consisting of commercial hamster food, fresh fruits and vegetables, and occasional treats specifically made for hamsters.
What do testicles look like on boy Syrian hamsters?
In male Syrian hamsters, testicles are usually visible as two separate round structures located on either side of the abdomen, near the hind legs. They are usually covered with fur and can vary in size depending on the age and health of the hamster.
Can a female hamster have a baby without having mating?
No, a female hamster cannot have a baby without mating. Hamsters, like all mammals, require fertilization from a male to become pregnant. Female hamsters have a reproductive cycle that includes going into heat, during which they are receptive to mating. Without mating, a female hamster will not become pregnant and give birth to babies.
If your hamster's mother abandoned one baby should you return it to the nest?
Oh, dude, if Mama Hamster decided to dip out on one of her babies, it's like the animal kingdom's version of ghosting. You could try to reunite the little furball with its siblings, but if Mama ain't feeling it, maybe it's time for that baby hamster to spread its tiny hamster wings and go solo. Just make sure to give it some extra love and treats because being the black sheep of the hamster family can be rough, man.
Is facesitting backwards normal?
"Normal" is a subjective term, honey. Some folks enjoy a little facesitting action, while others might not be into it. As long as it's consensual and safe, who cares what direction you're facing? Just make sure everyone involved is on the same page and having a good time.