



This category is for questions about the bones, fragments, imprints, and other remainders from a different time. The questions and answer you will find here are history set in stone -- our past, immortalized in solid rock. You will also be able to find questions pertaining to the locations of these fossils, how you might identify them, and how they were formed.

500 Questions

Oldest human fossil?

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Asked by Wiki User

The oldest human fossil discovered so far is a jawbone from Morocco, estimated to be around 300,000 years old. This fossil belongs to Homo sapiens, indicating that our species has been around for much longer than previously thought.

Who found the first plane?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright, are credited with inventing and building the world's first successful airplane, the Wright Flyer, which made its historic first flight on December 17, 1903.

When was pottasium first found?

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Asked by Wiki User

Potassium was first discovered in 1807 by Sir Humphry Davy in England through the process of electrolysis of potash (potassium carbonate).

Who found the first lodestone?

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Asked by Wiki User

A sheperd named magnes stood on a certain black rock. When he tried to move he felt some thing tug at his feet it was a lodestone. they say magnes was the first person to find magnetsim and they named them after him.

What two land masses did pangaea break up into and how many years ago was it?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pangaea broke up into Laurasia (northern landmass) and Gondwana (southern landmass) around 175 million years ago during the Mesozoic Era.

Who found the first baboon?

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Asked by Daniellewright

The first baboon was not "found" as they are native to Africa and have been documented in the region for centuries. The first scientific description of a baboon was probably recorded by European explorers in the 17th century.

What is the similarity between fossils and artifacts?

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Asked by Wiki User

  • Fossils are the remains of living things (plants, animals, people), not of things that were made.

  • Artifacts are the remains of things that were made, not the remains of living things.

1. While planting my garden, I found an old bone. Did I find a fossil or an artifact?

2. While exploring the woods near my house, I found an arrowhead. Did I find a fossil or an artifact?

The answer is:

1. A fossil. A bone is the remains of something that was once living.

2. An artifact. An arrowhead is something that was made.

Why do sedimentary rocks have stripes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Make a salad sandwich cut it in half and split it now look along the cut edge and you should see the same effect.

It's just a stack of different materials on top of each other seen from the side or leading edge of the stack.

What is the length of fossils 1 to the nearest hundredth meter?

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Asked by Wiki User

1 cm is the nearest 0.015

Which fossil can preserve a whole animal?

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Asked by Wiki User

The fossil that can preserve a whole animal is called a complete or articulated fossil. It occurs when the entire organism is preserved with all its anatomical parts intact, often due to quick burial in sediments that prevent decomposition or disintegration. Examples of complete fossils include the exceptional preservation of insects trapped in amber or well-preserved dinosaur fossils.

What time period is the fossil turritella found in?

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Asked by Wiki User

The fossil turritella, a type of marine snail, has been found in rocks that date back to the Paleogene period. This period spanned from approximately 66 to 23 million years ago.

Can a snail become a fossil?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, snails can become fossils. When a snail dies, its shell may become buried in sediment and over time, minerals in the sediment can replace the original material of the shell, preserving it as a fossil. Fossilized snail shells can be found in many different types of rock formations.

Does petrified wood opalize?

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Asked by Bergwall

Yes, petrified wood can opalize. Opalization occurs when silica-rich water seeps into the pores of the wood and replaces the original organic material with opal, resulting in a fossilized wood with opal instead of its original cellular structure. This process can create beautiful opalized specimens.

What is one of the greatest challanges archaeologists face when examining a fossil?

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Asked by Wiki User

One of the greatest challenges archaeologists face when examining a fossil is the incomplete preservation of the fossil itself. Fossils are often fragmented or distorted over time, making it difficult to accurately reconstruct the complete anatomy or understand the original context of the organism. Additionally, the fossil record is inherently incomplete, with many organisms not being preserved at all, leading to gaps in our understanding of the history of life on Earth.

When did the first fossils of a marine reptile found and what is it?

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Asked by Draco47

The first fossils of a marine reptile, specifically an ichthyosaur, were found in 1811 in England by Mary Anning. Ichthyosaurs were large, dolphin-like creatures that lived during the Mesozoic Era, approximately 245 to 90 million years ago. These fossils provided important evidence for the existence of extinct reptiles in the oceans.

Can resin preserve?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, resin can preserve objects by encasing them and protecting them from external elements such as moisture, dust, and UV rays. The hardened resin creates a barrier that prevents degradation and can keep objects in their original state for a long time.

Is amber renewable or nonrenewable?

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Asked by Wiki User

Amber is considered nonrenewable because it is formed from the fossilized resin of ancient trees that existed millions of years ago. It takes a long time for resin to fossilize and create amber, and the process does not occur at a rate that can keep up with the demand for amber.

What kinds of fossils might you find in the tapeats sandstone?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the Tapeats Sandstone, you may find trace fossils such as burrows, tracks, and trails left by ancient organisms. However, finding body fossils like shells or skeletal remains is relatively uncommon in this formation. The sandstone is more known for its sedimentary structures and features than for preserving complete organisms.

What are preserved fossil also called?

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Asked by Wiki User

Preserved fossils are also referred to as "petrified fossils" or "fossilized remains." These terms describe the process in which organic material is replaced by minerals, preserving the original structure and allowing for their long-term survival.

What is william smith's theory in geology?

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Asked by Wiki User

William Smith's theory in geology is known as the Principle of Faunal Succession. He proposed that fossils found in rocks can be used to determine the relative age of the rocks. This theory formed the basis for stratigraphy, the study of rock layers and their sequence of formation, and greatly contributed to the development of the geologic time scale.

How many Gospels have been found?

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Asked by Wiki User

Four Gospels have been found in the New Testament of the Bible: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. These Gospels are accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ written by his disciples and other early followers.

Is Sahara some of the earliest human fossils have been found?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, the Sahara desert is not where some of the earliest human fossils have been found. The earliest human fossils have been discovered in other parts of Africa, such as the Great Rift Valley and South Africa. The Sahara, being a desert, is not conducive to preserving fossils from this early period.

Is paleobotany the study of fossil insects?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, paleobotany is the study of ancient plants and plant fossils. The study of fossil insects is called paleoentomology.

How are fossil records related to evolution?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fossil records are a key source of evidence for evolution. By examining the preserved remains or traces of ancient organisms, scientists can observe the changes in species over time. Fossils provide a timeline that allows researchers to understand the diversification of life and the development of new species throughout Earth's history, supporting the theory of evolution.

What is someone who studies fossils and old bones to find out more about dinosaurs and how they lived?

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Asked by Wiki User

Someone who studies fossils and old bones to find out more about dinosaurs and how they lived is called a paleontologist. Paleontologists analyze and interpret the remains of ancient organisms, including dinosaur fossils, to understand their anatomy, behavior, and ecosystem. They may also study other aspects of prehistoric life, such as plant fossils and ancient environments.