


Food & Cooking

Many organisms, such as humans, ingest food to get the nutrients needed to maintain life. Cooking and preparation are often a necessity, but also a joy for many people. The Food and Cooking category includes questions and answers on the ingredients in food, recipes, nutritional information, cooking utensils, where to find certain foods, and much more. Bon Appetit!

500 Questions

King Philip came over for good soup stands for what?

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"King Philip Came Over For Good Soup" is a mnemonic device used to remember the taxonomic classification system in biology: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species. Each word represents a different level in the hierarchy.

Does the food we eat affect our learning?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, the food we eat can affect our learning. Eating a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can provide essential nutrients that support brain function and cognitive performance. Conversely, consuming excessive amounts of sugary or processed foods may lead to energy crashes and difficulty concentrating.

Scientific name of capsicum in science?

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Capsicum is the scientific name of the genus; Capcisceae is the tribe.

The family is Solanaceae, which means 'nightshade', and this family includes nightshade, potatoes, tomatoes, datura, aubergine, and so on. An amazing range of very toxic plants, from many of which we obtain vital medicines, or which bear delicious fruit which is safe to eat.

Does it take 115 gallons of water to make a loaf of bread?

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It is estimated that it takes about 154 gallons of water to produce one loaf of bread. This includes water used to grow wheat, process it into flour, and bake the bread. The amount of water can vary depending on factors such as the type of bread and where and how the ingredients are grown.

Give the major components of tle?

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The major components of a TLE (Texas Instruments Language Extension) file include the program header, code section, and data section. The program header contains information about the file such as the target device and memory requirements. The code section contains the actual program instructions written in the TI assembly language, while the data section contains any constant values or variables used in the program.

What is the scientific name of capsicum?

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Americans call it red pepper, chili pepper and cayenne pepper.

Capsicum is the genus name for all peppers that belong to the Nightshade family. It is also the common term in the U.K. and many countries that are former colonies of England for the nonpungent bell pepper.

What is the scientific name for a collard green?

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The scientific name for collard greens is Brassica oleracea var. viridis.

What are the daily servings of food?

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Recommended daily servings of food typically include 5-6 servings of grains, 2-4 servings of fruits, 3-5 servings of vegetables, 2-3 servings of dairy, and 2-3 servings of protein. It is important to balance these servings with other nutrients like fats and sugars. Adjustments may be necessary based on individual needs and health goals.

Is iron solvent of solute in steel?

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Iron is the solvent in steel, while carbon and other elements such as manganese, chromium, and nickel are the solutes that are dissolved within the iron matrix.

Are mice herbavores?

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Mice are primarily herbivores, feeding mainly on seeds, grains, fruits, and plants. However, they can also consume insects, small animals, and other sources of protein when necessary.

How is ratio solved?

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Asked by Wiki User

A ratio is solved by comparing the two quantities mentioned in the ratio. To solve a ratio, you need to find the equivalent ratio where the two quantities are in the same units. This can involve simplifying or scaling up the ratio to make the comparison easier.

Is spaghetti alone a balanced diet?

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No, spaghetti alone is not a balanced diet. It is primarily composed of refined carbohydrates and lacks a variety of essential nutrients like proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. For a balanced diet, it is important to include a variety of food groups such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

Which food slow down the aging process?

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Asked by Revitawellness

Berries, nuts, fatty fish (like salmon), and leafy greens are often cited as foods that can help slow down the aging process due to their high antioxidant content, anti-inflammatory properties, and beneficial effects on skin health. Additionally, foods rich in vitamins C and E, such as citrus fruits and avocados, can also contribute to healthy aging.

What is the relationship between food and aging?

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Nutrition plays a key role in the aging process, as a balanced diet can help prevent age-related diseases and maintain overall health. Foods rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins can support healthy aging by reducing inflammation, supporting cognitive function, and preserving muscle mass. Additionally, maintaining a healthy weight and staying active can also contribute to successful aging.

What is Bouillon Powder?

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Bouillon powder is a concentrated seasoning made from dehydrated vegetables, meat, and seasonings. It is used to add flavor to soups, stews, sauces, and other dishes by dissolving it in hot water. Bouillon powder is a convenient alternative to homemade stock and often comes in different flavors such as chicken, beef, and vegetable.

What cereals are good for elderly?

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Cereals that are high in fiber and low in added sugars are good choices for the elderly, such as whole grain cereals like oatmeal, bran flakes, or high-fiber granola. Look for cereals that are fortified with vitamins and minerals, especially B vitamins and iron, to support overall health and energy levels. It's also important to choose cereals that are easy to digest and gentle on the stomach for older individuals.

What is the recommended daily intake of sodium for adults?

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The recommended daily intake of sodium for adults is around 2300 mg, which is roughly equivalent to 1 teaspoon of salt. However, for individuals with high blood pressure, heart disease, or other health conditions, the recommended intake may be lower (usually around 1500 mg per day). It's important to check with a healthcare provider for personalized recommendations.

What are good meals for the elderly?

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Good meal options for the elderly include a balanced mix of protein, vegetables, whole grains, and fruits. Examples include baked chicken with steamed broccoli and quinoa, grilled fish with a side salad, or a vegetable stir-fry with tofu over brown rice. It's important to consider any dietary restrictions or challenges the individual may have, such as difficulties chewing or swallowing.

What is the average jumping distance of a human?

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The average jumping distance of a human is around 3-4 feet horizontally. However, this can vary depending on factors such as leg strength, athleticism, and technique.

What are some words that start with the prefix 'co'?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some words that start with the prefix 'co' are: cooperate, coexist, collaborate, and coordinate.

The greek root peri?

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The Greek root "peri-" means "around" or "surrounding." It is commonly used in words like perimeter (the distance around a shape), periscope (a device for viewing around obstacles), and periphery (the outer boundary of an area).

What do hillbillies eat?

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Hillbillies may eat a variety of foods common to rural or southern US regions such as fried chicken, cornbread, collard greens, biscuits, and gravy. They may also enjoy homemade dishes like fried catfish, pinto beans, and corn on the cob. Additionally, some hillbillies may hunt or forage for their food, incorporating game meat, wild berries, and plants into their diets.

Why did Taino share food with neighboring groups?

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Sharing food with neighboring groups helped to establish alliances and build social relationships within the community. It also ensured reciprocity in times of need, strengthening overall community resilience and cooperation. Additionally, it may have been a cultural norm that promoted generosity and hospitality.

Whats the best restaurant in Calgary?

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Popeye's--- Tuesday special.

What is the ''conservative method'' of cooking vegetables?

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boil them and don't fry

best is to eat them raw whenever possible.