


Questions about fruit flies, horse flies, common house flies, or any other insect with a single pair of wings.

500 Questions

Do flies have tongues?

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Flies have a proboscis, which is a long tube-like structure that they use for feeding. It acts like a tongue, allowing them to consume liquids by sucking them up.

What does it mean when a fly lit?

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When a fly lands and stays still for a while, it could mean that it is resting or grooming itself. Flies groom themselves by rubbing their forelegs over their eyes and head to clean their sensory organs.

What literary term is The tormentors were flies sucking insolently at his blood?

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The literary term used in this sentence is personification, where inanimate objects are given human qualities or characteristics. In this case, the flies are described as "sucking insolently," attributing them with the ability to behave in a disrespectful or rude manner.

What do fairy flies eat?

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Fairy flies are parasitic wasps that feed on the larvae of other insects, such as fruit flies. They lay their eggs inside the host's body, and the developing fairy fly larvae consume the host from the inside out.

In lord of the flies why do piggy samneric and Ralph lie about simons death?

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Piggy, Samneric, and Ralph lie about Simon's death because they are afraid of taking responsibility for their part in the violent mob that killed him. They are overwhelmed by guilt and fear of being held accountable for their actions. Denying the truth allows them to distance themselves from the horrific event.

Why are we not given their names at first lord of the flies?

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The author, William Golding, chooses not to reveal the boys' names immediately in "Lord of the Flies" to emphasize their anonymous and equal status in the face of the unfolding events on the uninhabited island. This lack of individual identity contributes to the theme of the loss of civilization and the descent into savagery. Over time, the boys' names are gradually revealed as they become more defined as individuals.

Why are they so concerned about how they look when they go meet jack in lord of flies?

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The boys are concerned about their appearance when meeting Jack because they are still trying to maintain a sense of order and civilization in the face of the chaos on the island. They want to present themselves as civilized and put together to try to hold on to their sense of identity and control. This concern for their appearance also reflects their desire to maintain social norms and avoid being judged by others.

In Chapter 9 in the lord of the flies what the boys do at the end the boys jump and?

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In Chapter 9 of "Lord of the Flies," the boys are caught up in a frenzy during Simon's murder. They mistake him for the beast and viciously attack him, eventually leading to his death. The boys are swept up in the chaos and violence of the moment, illustrating their descent into savagery.

Why does Simon not take a side lord of the flies?

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Simon chooses not to take a side in "Lord of the Flies" because he embodies goodness and understands the darkness within each individual, making him a neutral and empathetic character. He seeks peace and harmony rather than engaging in the conflict and violence that the other boys succumb to.

What does piggy attempt to call to attention of the group lord of the flies?

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He tells them that they need to leave the abandoned island and they need to not argue haha jk that's not true

Why does Simon feel shame for giving Piggy meat Why does Jack rage at him for giving Piggy meat in lord of the flies?

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Simon feels shame because he empathizes with Piggy and acknowledges the moral implications of his actions. Jack is enraged because he sees the act as a betrayal of their tribe's values and an affront to his authority as the leader. This incident highlights the competing forces of morality and primal instincts in the boys' struggle for power and survival on the island.

Why does piggy in the lord of the flies not get the list of names?

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Piggy doesn't get the list of names because he is not invited to join the group of boys who are exploring the island during the assembly. The boys exclude Piggy because they view him as an outsider and don't value his input or opinions as much as they should.

In lord of the flies describe how sameric piggy and Ralph justify their involvement in Simon's death?

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Sam and Eric justify their involvement by explaining that they were caught up in the frenzy of the moment and were too scared to stop the others from attacking Simon. Piggy justifies his involvement by claiming that he thought they were attacking the beast and not Simon. Ralph justifies his involvement by stating that he was a part of the group and felt pressured to go along with the others.

What do you know about Ralph so far And how does Ralph feel about being on the island lord of flies?

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Ralph is one of the main characters in "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. He is initially thrilled about being on the island, seeing it as an adventure. However, as he starts to realize the savagery and chaos among the boys, he becomes distressed and concerned about their ability to survive and maintain order.

What was piggy's first leadership decision in the book lord of the flies?

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Piggy's first leadership decision in "Lord of the Flies" was to suggest using the conch shell to establish order and hold assemblies among the boys on the island. He recognized the importance of maintaining rules and structure to prevent chaos and ensure everyone's voice was heard.

How does the group of boys end up into two separate tribes lord of flies?

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The group of boys in "Lord of the Flies" end up splitting into two separate tribes, one led by Ralph and the other by Jack, due to a power struggle between the two leaders. Ralph focuses on maintaining order and building shelters, while Jack is more focused on hunting and tapping into the boys' primal instincts. This conflict of leadership styles ultimately leads to the division of the group into two tribes.

What is an example of epiphany in lord of the flies?

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An example of an epiphany in "Lord of the Flies" is when Simon realizes that the true "beast" on the island is the dark and violent impulses within each of the boys, rather than an external monster. This moment of insight comes to him while he is face to face with the severed pig's head, known as the Lord of the Flies.

What does Ralph shout when he stand on his head in the lord of the flies?

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Ralph shouts "Wacco!" while standing on his head in "Lord of the Flies." This moment is a demonstration of his playful side and desire to maintain a sense of humanity and normalcy amidst the chaos on the island.

What is occurring at ten miles height above the island lord of the flies?

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At ten miles above the island in "Lord of the Flies," there would likely be nothing significant happening because that height is well above the earth's surface where most of the action takes place. The island and its inhabitants are located on the ground, so there would be no direct impact from up there.

How does bread fly?

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Bread cannot fly on its own as it does not have wings or any mechanisms for flight. If bread appears to be flying, it may be due to a person tossing or throwing it. In that case, it's the person's action that causes the bread to move through the air.

Are flies cold blooded?

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Yes, flies are cold-blooded insects, meaning they rely on their environment to regulate their body temperature. They are unable to internally generate heat like warm-blooded animals.

Can a pangolin fly?

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No, pangolins cannot fly. They are ground-dwelling mammals known for their unique appearance and specialized diet of ants and termites.

When will maddie fly?

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well ,

she can already fly she is

put in a lab because she can be tamed :)

she has two wings and can fly so when will she fly is now

thanks you :)

How do flies communicate?

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Flies communicate using a variety of methods, including visual cues, chemical signals (pheromones), and vibrations. They can identify potential mates, food sources, and predators through these signals, allowing them to navigate their environment effectively.