



Everyone is born with emotions, they are very complex and wide ranged. People behave as a result of their emotional state. Some of the basic emotions are: anger, anxiety, boredom, compassion, depression, fear, frustration, gratitude, hatred, joy, jealousy, love, and worry to name a few. Emotions cause mood changes, temperament changes, and they are the center of our personality and disposition.

500 Questions

How much time do we spend laughing?

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On average, adults laugh about 17 times per day, with each laugh lasting about 6 seconds. This means we spend approximately 102 seconds, or just under 2 minutes, laughing each day. Laughing has numerous health benefits and can improve overall well-being.

The suffix in fearful is?

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The suffix in "fearful" is "-ful," which means full of or characterized by a particular quality. In this case, it means full of fear.

Why do you feel bad when you don't eat?

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When you don't eat, your body lacks the necessary nutrients and energy it needs to function properly. This can lead to symptoms like low blood sugar, fatigue, irritability, and lightheadedness, making you feel bad. Eating regularly helps maintain blood sugar levels and provides essential nutrients for your body to perform at its best.

Plural for cry?

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The plural form of "cry" is "cries."

Why is life short?

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Life is not short. Life is endless. Please refer with Bible. Reference: Matthew 5:3; 19:29, Malachi 3:15-18. The Bible just says about the LIFE. God bless You.


Mortal life is 72yrs (exceptions of course: younger or older), but, that's

what God said.

Eternal life with Jesus comes as you accept Him as your Savior.

What causes anxiety in people of old age?

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Anxiety in older adults can be caused by various factors such as health issues, chronic pain, cognitive decline, social isolation, loss of independence, financial concerns, and fears about the future. Additionally, past experiences, personality traits, and genetics can also play a role in the development of anxiety in older individuals.

What is an ability that allows the individual to control people and events with emotions and thoughts?

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Psychic manipulation is the ability to control people and events using one's emotions and thoughts. This power allows individuals to influence others' actions, thoughts, and emotions through mental manipulation.

The laughing boy sat down?

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The laughing boy found a seat.

Is love a hate crime?

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No, love is not a hate crime. Love and hate are opposite emotions. Hate crimes involve bias or prejudice against a particular group, while love is a positive and compassionate feeling.

What is the Literal meaning of love?

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The literal meaning of love refers to a deep feeling of affection or care towards someone or something. It encompasses a range of emotions such as kindness, compassion, and empathy. Love can also involve a strong attachment and a sense of connection with another person.

What crime do people in Croydon fear the most?

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Crimes such as burglary and robbery are often feared the most by people in Croydon, as they can result in property loss and personal safety threats. It's important for individuals to take precautions to safeguard their belongings and wellbeing in the area.

Why do the bloods and crips hate each other?

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The rivalry between the Bloods and Crips developed due to ongoing conflicts over territory, power, and control in the neighborhoods they operate in. Aside from historical roots, the main reasons for their hatred include competition for resources, retaliation for past grievances, and attempts to establish dominance within the community.

What does 'was I ever nervous' mean?

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In normal usage, the phrase "was I ever..." means "I was very...". For example; "I heard a sound last night when I was walking through the dark woods, and was I ever nervous!" Since the phrase is usually used in fearful recollections, other related terms could be used in place of "nervous", such as scared or shaking.

What do you call a person who doesn't follow traditions?

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A person who doesn't follow traditions can be called nontraditional, unconventional, or a nonconformist.

Motivation which is fear-based or coercive is called?

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The motivation which is fear based is called negative motivation.

. Thank you


Why you hate somebody?

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Speaking honestly, I can't hate anyone, but I think that we hate people when we can't understand them.


It's not really the person we hate but what they have done. We hate someone because that someone did something we dislike.

How to be happy?

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Happiness, that elusive muse, is a masterpiece painted with the vibrant hues of personal fulfillment and positive connections. Imagine your life as a canvas, and consider these brushstrokes to create your own portrait of joy:

  1. **Embrace the Palette of Gratitude:** Splash your canvas with the colors of gratitude. Regularly reflect on the small joys, acknowledging them with a thankful heart. Gratitude is the brushstroke that adds depth to your happiness.

  2. **Dance in the Rain of Mindfulness:** Engage in the art of mindfulness, savoring each moment without dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. It's the delicate brushstroke that brings clarity and serenity to the canvas of your existence.

  3. **Compose Symphony of Connection:** Weave the threads of meaningful relationships into the fabric of your life. Human connections are the lively strokes that add melody and harmony to your happiness composition.

  4. **Explore the Landscape of Passion:** Unearth your passions and immerse yourself in the exploration of your interests. Each endeavor is a bold brushstroke, contributing to the vivid tapestry of your happiness.

  5. **Sculpt Self-Compassion:** Mold self-compassion into the contours of your self-perception. Be gentle with yourself, understanding that imperfections are the unique strokes that make your canvas authentically yours.

  6. **Chase the Horizon of Growth:** Evolve and grow, for growth is the evolving brushstroke that adds dynamic movement and depth to your life's masterpiece. Embrace challenges as opportunities for expansion.

  7. **Breathe Life into Laughter:** Sprinkle laughter liberally across your canvas. It's the spontaneous brushstroke that lightens the mood and infuses your masterpiece with the joyous spirit of play.

Remember, the canvas of happiness is an ever-evolving work of art. Embrace the creative process, experiment with different brushstrokes, and revel in the unique masterpiece that is your life.

Visit @SnapWell now on youtube for more information and short podcast clips daily about healthy lifestyle from experts like stephanie romizewski, tara swart, andrew hubermen

When someone tell you happy Sunday what will be your response?

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When someone tell your happy sunday what will be response

Why did spaz almost laugh when he sees the great mongo?

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because he is was small

How to make yourself feel good?

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Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as exercise, meditation, spending time with loved ones, or pursuing a hobby. Practice self-care by taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Focus on positive thoughts and affirmations to boost your confidence and self-esteem.

How does Wiesel appeal to the emotions of the audience and leave the audience with a lasting image in the conclusion to his speech?

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In the conclusion of his speech, Wiesel appeals to the emotions of the audience by using vivid and emotional language that evokes a sense of urgency and moral responsibility. By weaving in personal anecdotes and powerful imagery, such as his reference to the "sea of flame," he leaves the audience with a haunting and unforgettable image of the horrors of the Holocaust. This effectively drives home his message and resonates with listeners on a deeply emotional level.

How does Hemingway suggest the majors emotions without explaining them?

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Hemingway suggests the major emotions through dialogue, actions, and the use of sensory details. He employs sparse and precise language, leaving room for readers to infer the characters' emotions based on their interactions and reactions to situations. Hemingway's iceberg theory of writing also plays a role, with much of the characters' emotional depth lying beneath the surface.

What emotion does ulric feel toward georg znaeym at the beginning of the story?

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Ulrich feels anger and resentment towards Georg Znaeym at the beginning of the story due to their long-standing feud and rivalry.

What is malorie blackmans biggest fear?

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As a personal matter, we cannot definitively state Malorie Blackman's biggest fear. Fear is subjective and can vary greatly among individuals.

Who does Jude love?

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Jude is in love with his childhood friend, Samantha. They have known each other for years and share a deep connection that goes beyond just friendship.