


Dreams and Dream Interpretation

The psychological, scientific and spiritual explanations of the process and functions of the images and experiences we undergo while asleep and the interpretation thereof.

500 Questions

Who wrote ''I slept and dreamed that life was beauty I awoke and found life was duty?

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Rabindranath Tagore, a prominent Bengali poet and Nobel laureate, wrote the lines "I slept and dreamt that life was beauty, I awoke and found that life was duty" in his poem "Fireflies." This quote conveys the shift from idealistic dreams to the reality of life's responsibilities.

How would you define what Fitzgerald saw as the american dream?

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Fitzgerald saw the American Dream as the pursuit of happiness and success through hard work, determination, and opportunity. He portrayed it as a deceptive ideal tainted by materialism, unattainable expectations, and moral decay. Fitzgerald's characters in "The Great Gatsby" embody the corruptible nature of this dream, leading to disillusionment and tragedy.

Who said a dream is a goal with a deadline'?

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Napoleon Hill, author of "Think and Grow Rich," is often credited with the quote "A goal is a dream with a deadline." This quote emphasizes the importance of having a specific target and timeframe for achieving your aspirations.

Why is Winston's reoccuring dream significant?

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Winston's recurring dream is significant because it symbolizes his subconscious desire to rebel against the oppressive regime of the Party and find freedom. It also foreshadows his eventual downfall and capture by the Thought Police for daring to think independently. The dream serves as a reflection of Winston's innermost thoughts and emotions, highlighting his inner turmoil and yearning for a better reality.

What does go chase an ambulance mean?

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"Go chase an ambulance" is a sarcastic phrase used to mock someone who appears to be seeking attention or trying to profit from a situation, particularly a legal or medical one. It implies that the person is acting in a opportunistic or insincere manner.

What are some scary nightmare ideas?

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  1. Being chased by a relentless shadowy figure through a dark, never-ending maze.
  2. Being trapped in a room slowly filling up with water and struggling to find a way out.
  3. Finding yourself in a post-apocalyptic world where you are the last survivor surrounded by eerie silence and threats lurking in the shadows.
  4. Being haunted by the presence of a malevolent ghost that follows you everywhere, whispering terrifying secrets in your ear.

Why do the romantic poets find dreams so important?

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The romantic poets found dreams important because they saw them as a pathway to deeper truths and emotions that were often inaccessible through rational thought. Dreams allowed them to explore the unconscious mind and tap into their imagination, serving as a source of creative inspiration and a way to connect with their innermost thoughts and desires. They believed that dreams could reveal hidden meanings and offer insights into the human experience.

Do you dream at night?

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Asked by Unclearanne

We dream about our thoughts in the day.

What is a kenning for dream?

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"Sleep's vision-fall."

Why do you keep having evil dreams about your boyfriend?

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Dreams are often a reflection of our subconscious thoughts and emotions. It could be helpful to explore any underlying concerns or anxieties you may have about your relationship with your boyfriend that could be manifesting in your dreams. Consider discussing these feelings with him or a mental health professional to gain a better understanding and address any issues.

What does the poet in the poem a Psalm of life mean by life is but an empty dream?

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...To the average person life is very real & physical , a dream implies something pleasant , but in this phrase the poet laments that life is not only an illusion , an image that we experience , but adds that it is unfulfilled .Without any real gratifying rewards.

What dreaming about vampires means?

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Dreaming about vampires may symbolize feelings of powerlessness or being overwhelmed by someone or something in your waking life. It could also represent a fear of being taken advantage of or drained emotionally or mentally by others. Consider the emotions and interactions in the dream to better understand its specific meaning for you.

I had a weird dream about me and demons and i woke up with scratches on my body?

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Dreams involving demons can often represent internal conflicts or fears that you may be struggling with. The scratches could be a result of your body reacting physically to the stress or fear experienced during the dream, known as "sleep scratching." It's important to reflect on any stressors or fears in your waking life that may be causing these dreams and to seek support if needed to address them.

Who created the song Dream a little dream of Me?

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"Dream a Little Dream of Me" was written by Fabian Andre, Wilbur Schwandt, and Gus Kahn. It has been recorded by various artists, including Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong, The Mamas & The Papas, and Doris Day.

Why do i dream about my dead grandmother?

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Dreams about deceased loved ones are common and may represent unresolved feelings or a desire to connect with them. It is believed that dreaming about a deceased relative can offer closure or provide comfort during times of grief or loss. Your dream may be a way for your mind to process your emotions and memories related to your grandmother's passing.

What is the theme of a dream deferred by Langston Hughes?

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In the poem Dreams by Langston Hughes, the narrator is advising the reader to never stop dreaming and to never give up on a dream. The reason for this is because he/she feels that the world is a very depressing place, but dreams can make it wondrous and exciting ("Life is a broken-winged bird/ That cannot fly").

What does it mean if you have a dream that you are in Bella Swan's point of view and James is attacking you and he breaks your neck?

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Dreams can be reflections of our subconscious thoughts and feelings. The dream could symbolize feelings of vulnerability or fear of being overwhelmed by a situation in your waking life. It may also suggest a need to confront and overcome a threat or challenge in your life. It is important to explore your emotions and any current stressors that may be influencing such dreams.

What was the dream of makato?

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What was the dream of makato?

What does it mean when you dream of wearing a bracelet?

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Dreams are subjective experiences, and their meaning can vary greatly from person to person. In general, dreams are often influenced by personal experiences, emotions, and subconscious thoughts. When interpreting a dream about wearing a bracelet, it's essential to consider the specific details of the dream and how they resonate with your waking life. Here are some general interpretations that people might associate with wearing a bracelet in a dream:

Adornment and Self-Expression:

Wearing a bracelet in a dream could symbolize a desire for self-expression or a need to adorn oneself. It may reflect your personality, style, or a wish to stand out.

Personal Connections:

Bracelets are often associated with connections, relationships, and bonds. Dreaming of wearing a bracelet might signify a connection or a desire for deeper connections with others, whether romantically, socially, or within your family.

Spiritual or Symbolic Meaning:

Bracelets can have symbolic or cultural significance. In a dream, wearing a bracelet might represent spiritual beliefs, personal symbols, or cultural connections that are meaningful to you.

Emotional Expression:

Dreams about wearing a bracelet may be linked to emotions or experiences associated with the bracelet. Consider the color, material, and style of the bracelet, as these elements may provide clues about the emotions or memories involved.

Protection or Talisman:

Some people associate bracelets with protective or talismanic qualities. Dreaming of wearing a bracelet might symbolize a desire for protection or a need for a sense of security in your waking life.

Fashion and Appearance:

Dreaming of wearing a bracelet could be related to concerns about your appearance, fashion choices, or how you present yourself to others. It may reflect a focus on aesthetics and personal style.

Remember, the interpretation of a dream is highly subjective, and personal experiences and feelings play a significant role. If you find that the dream has a strong impact on you or seems to convey a message, reflecting on your current life circumstances, emotions, and relationships can provide additional insights into the dream's meaning. If you're interested in exploring dream interpretation further, you may want to consult with a dream analyst or explore resources on the subject.

Dream someone is trying to hurt you?

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Dreaming that someone is trying to hurt you may reflect your own fears or concerns about being harmed or threatened in real life. Your reaction in the dream can provide insight into how you perceive and respond to potential threats.

For instance, if you run in a dream, it might indicate a tendency to avoid or escape from threats in reality. On the other hand, standing your ground in the dream could suggest a sense of indifference or fearlessness towards such threats.

Remember, dream interpretations can vary from person to person, and it's essential to consider your emotions and experiences when analyzing your dreams.

Dream interpretation of parachuting?

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Dream interpretation of parachuting can vary depending on the context of the dream, but generally, it suggests a sense of protection during challenging times.

It signifies that you feel secure despite risks and turmoil around you. Alternatively, the dream may be a sign that it's time to let go of a situation or abandon an old idea or habit.

If you dream of having difficulties with a parachute, it could indicate that you'll be disappointed by someone you relied on and trusted. Keep in mind that dream interpretations can be subjective and may vary from person to person.

What does it mean to dream with clear and animal in water?

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Dreams can have a variety of interpretations, but dreaming of a clear animal in water could symbolize your ability to see the true nature or essence of something or someone. The clarity of the water suggests clear insight or understanding, while the presence of an animal could represent instinctual or primal aspects of yourself or others. The specific animal and your personal associations with it may provide additional insights into the dream's meaning.

Is in normal to have dreams about your ex?

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Yes, it is normal to have dreams about your ex. Dreams often reflect our subconscious thoughts, feelings, and unresolved emotions. Dreaming about an ex doesn't necessarily mean you want to get back together; it may simply indicate unresolved issues or a need for closure.

What does it mean when you dream about loved ones leaving you for dead?

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Dreams can be highly symbolic and subjective, but dreaming about loved ones leaving you for dead might reflect feelings of abandonment or betrayal. It could indicate fear of losing connection or support from those you care about. It's important to consider the context and personal emotions surrounding the dream to gain a deeper understanding of its meaning.