



The Aztecs were active in Mexico from the 14th through 16th centuries. They are most famous for their practice of human sacrifice.

500 Questions

What type of beans did the Aztecs use for money?

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Other than cocoa beans for a drink, the Aztecs have also used cocoa beans as a currency to purchase goods such as a rabbit or an enslaved human.

Hope this helps!

What is the Aztec myth la llorona?

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La llorona is a famous legend in Mexican folklore about a ghostly woman who roams the streets at night wailing for her lost children. According to the myth, she drowned her children in a fit of madness and is now cursed to wander for eternity searching for them. The story is often used to warn children to behave and listen to their parents, or else la llorona may come for them too.

What are the most famous Aztec myths and legends?

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Some of the most famous Aztec myths and legends include the story of the god Quetzalcoatl, the creation story of the world by the god Ometeotl, the legend of the goddess Coatlicue, and the tale of the heroic twins, Hunahpu and Xbalanque. These stories are central to Aztec belief systems and cultural identity.

Do you have an acrostic poem about aztecs cortez?

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Certainly! Here's an acrostic poem for "Aztecs Cortez":

Awe-inspiring empire of ancient times, Zealous warriors fighting with might, Tenochtitlan, grand city in sight, Enigmatic Cortez brought its decline, Calamity struck, history intertwined.

What were some themes of Aztec poetry?

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Some themes in Aztec poetry include nature, love, war, religion, and death. Poems often praised the beauty of the natural world, celebrated love and relationships, honored bravery in battle, reflected on spiritual beliefs, and meditated on mortality and the afterlife.

What does the Aztec poet king mean in prison?

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It is a metaphorical expression that suggests the idea of being constrained or limited in some way, even for someone as powerful or creative as an Aztec poet king. It highlights the concept of inner confinement or restriction rather than physical imprisonment.

Why do Aztecs use coca beans as money?

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The Aztecs valued cacao beans for their use in trade and as a form of currency due to their status as a luxury item. They were scarce and required a significant amount of effort to produce, making them a valuable form of exchange in Aztec society. Cacao beans were also used in religious ceremonies and as a beverage consumed by nobility.

Where can i get a copy if the poem the revolt of chief tacky'?

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You can find a copy of the poem "The Revolt of Chief Tacky" in various poetry collections, online platforms, or at your local library. It was written by Jamaican poet Edward Kamau Brathwaite and is often included in anthologies of Caribbean literature or poetry.

What did the Aztecs call their books?

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The Aztecs called their books "codices." These were handwritten manuscripts made of bark paper or deerskin, containing information on various subjects such as religion, history, and astronomy. Only a few of these codices have survived to this day.

Are Aztec and Mayan calendars the same?

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No, Aztec and Mayan calendars are not the same. They have unique characteristics and differences in terms of structure, symbols, and purposes. Both civilizations developed complex calendar systems, but they were independent of each other.

What is the difference between the Mayan calendar and the Aztec calendar?

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The Mayan calendar is known for its Long Count system, which tracks longer periods of time, while the Aztec calendar is known for its Sun Stone, a large stone carving that served as a ceremonial calendar. The Mayan calendar is also more intricate and detailed compared to the Aztec calendar.

Are there any books on the Aztecs?

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Yes, there are many books about the Aztecs. Some popular ones include "The Broken Spears: The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico" by Miguel León-Portilla, "Aztecs: An Interpretation" by Inga Clendinnen, and "The Aztecs" by Michael E. Smith. These books offer different perspectives on Aztec history, society, and culture.

What is the El Premio Aztlan literary award?

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The El Premio Aztlan literary award is a prestigious prize given to writers who have made significant contributions to Chicano literature. It recognizes works that reflect the Chicano experience and culture in the United States.

What was the Aztec education?

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Aztec education focused on practical skills and cultural knowledge, with noble children attending calmécac for specialized training while commoner children learned vocational skills and basic literacy at telpochcalli, all supplemented by oral traditions and storytelling.

Who was the Aztec King?

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Asked by Wiki User

I don't really know maybe try a book!

Or wikipedia.

What where the advantages and disadvantages of living where the Aztecs lived?

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One advantage of living where the Aztecs lived was the access to natural resources, such as fertile lands for farming and abundant water sources. This allowed the Aztecs to develop a sophisticated agricultural system. However, a disadvantage was the frequent occurrence of natural disasters, such as earthquakes and floods, which posed a constant threat to their civilization. Additionally, living in a densely populated area could have led to issues related to disease transmission and limited living space.

What armor did the Aztec Indians have for protection?

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The Aztec Indians wore a type of armor called ichcahuipilli, which was made from layers of quilted cotton or hides. It provided protection against blows and projectiles. Additionally, Aztec warriors wore cotton or leather helmets and carried shields made from wood or animal hide for further defense.

Did Aztecs perform human sacrifices?

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Yes, the Aztecs did perform human sacrifices. It was a central part of their religious beliefs and rituals. Sacrifices were performed to honor their gods and ensure the continuation of the world and the prosperity of their civilization.

How have the Aztecs influenced life today?

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The Aztecs have influenced life today through their contributions in agriculture, architecture, art, and medicine. They developed advanced farming techniques such as terracing and irrigation, which are still used today. Their architectural style, with its intricate designs and use of natural resources, has influenced modern architecture. Aztec art has also had a lasting impact on contemporary art, and their knowledge of plants and herbal medicine has contributed to modern herbal remedies.

How did the Aztecs relations with the surrounding tribes effect their downfall?

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The Aztecs' relations with surrounding tribes played a significant role in their downfall. The Aztecs ruled through a system of tribute and often demanded excessive tributes, which created discontent among subjected tribes. When the Spanish conquistadors arrived, some tribes allied with them against the Aztecs out of resentment and desire for independence, leading to the fall of the Aztec Empire. Additionally, the Spanish were able to exploit these divisions and use them to their advantage in their conquest.

Who discovered the Aztec civilization?

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The Aztec civilization was not discovered by a specific individual. It existed before the arrival of Europeans in the Americas, and its existence was known to other indigenous populations in the region. However, the conquest of the Aztecs by the Spanish under Hernán Cortés in the early 16th century brought their civilization to the attention of the wider world.

Why was the Aztec empire destroyed?

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The Aztec empire was destroyed by a combination of factors. One major factor was the arrival of Spanish conquistadors led by Hernán Cortés, who brought advanced weapons and diseases that devastated the Aztec population. Additionally, the Aztecs faced internal rebellions from their subjected allies who allied themselves with the Spanish and further weakened the empire. Ultimately, a combination of military force, disease, and internal unrest led to the downfall of the Aztec empire.

What is the name of the Aztec Emperor who met Cortez?

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The Aztec Emperor who met Cortez was named Moctezuma II.