

Age of Enlightenment

Also known as the Age of Reason, this period of Western Philosophy lasted from the mid 17th Century until the 18th Century and brought about concepts and ideas that govern today's society.

500 Questions

What came before the information age?

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Before the information age, there were various stages including the industrial age, the agricultural age, and the prehistoric age. These eras were characterized by different means of production and levels of technological development.

What of the values put forth during the Enlightenment most likely influenced this language?

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The values of reason, individualism, and secularism put forward during the Enlightenment most likely influenced this language in terms of clarity, logical structure, and a focus on empirical evidence. The emphasis on rational thought and critical thinking during the Enlightenment led to the development of language that is precise, analytical, and focused on conveying information objectively.

What were major events in 1968 during the political events?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some major political events in 1968 include the Tet Offensive in the Vietnam War, the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy, widespread anti-Vietnam War protests, the student-led protests in France, and the election of Richard Nixon as President of the United States.

How did the enlightenment lead to political revolution?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Enlightenment promoted ideas such as individual rights, reason, and questioning of authority that challenged traditional power structures. These ideas inspired revolutions against monarchies and colonial rule, leading to events like the American and French Revolutions. Intellectuals of the Enlightenment provided the philosophical foundation for questioning and changing the existing political systems.

What are facts about the hohenzollern family?

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Asked by Wiki User

The House of Hohenzollern is a German noble dynasty that ruled Prussia, Germany, and Romania. They were involved in shaping European history, particularly through their role in the unification of Germany under Prussian leadership. The family produced several notable figures, including Frederick the Great and Kaiser Wilhelm II.

What changes did the enlightenment change in the political systems?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Enlightenment era led to significant changes in political systems by promoting ideas such as individual rights, separation of powers, and the need for representative government. These ideas influenced the development of democratic principles and constitutional government, leading to the spread of democratic ideals and the weakening of absolute monarchies. The Enlightenment also emphasized the importance of reason and rationality in governance, challenging traditional authority and promoting the idea of government by consent of the governed.

Ideas of enlightenment fostered the thinking that crime is caused by?

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Asked by Wiki User

The ideas of enlightenment fostered the belief that crime is caused by societal factors such as poverty, inequality, lack of education, and social injustice rather than just individuals' inherent moral failings. This perspective emphasized the importance of addressing root causes and promoting social reform to reduce crime rates.

Was corporal and capitol punishment popular during the Age of Enlightenment?

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During the Age of Enlightenment, there was a movement towards more humane and rational forms of punishment, so corporal punishment, such as flogging and branding, began to decline in popularity. However, capital punishment was still widely used for serious crimes, though there were debates and reforms aimed at limiting its application and ensuring a fair trial process.

What were voltaires beliefs of the enlightenment?

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Asked by Lyann23

Voltaire believed in the power of reason, tolerance, freedom of speech, and separation of church and state. He emphasized the importance of education and intellectual freedom, championing these ideas during the Enlightenment era as a means to challenge traditional authority and promote social progress.

Who was the Englishman considered to be a hero of the enlightenment?

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One of the Englishmen considered a hero of the Enlightenment is John Locke. Locke was a philosopher whose ideas on natural rights, social contract theory, and religious tolerance had a significant influence on the development of Enlightenment thought. His works, such as "Two Treatises of Government," played a key role in shaping political and social ideas of the time.

Why did monarchs censor enlightenment writers?

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Monarchs censored Enlightenment writers because the ideas promoted by these writers often challenged the traditional authority of the monarchy and the Church. Monarchs saw these ideas as a threat to their power and control over society. Censorship was a way for them to maintain their authority and suppress dissenting views.

How did popular writers spread humanistic ideas?

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Popular writers spread humanistic ideas through their works by incorporating themes of individualism, rationality, and the value of human potential. They often used accessible language and engaging storytelling to reach a wide audience, sparking discussions and challenging traditional beliefs. Writers like Erasmus, Montaigne, and Shakespeare played a key role in popularizing humanistic ideas during the Renaissance.

Where did enlightenment thinkers and authors meet in Paris?

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Enlightenment thinkers and authors often met at salons hosted by influential women in Paris during the 18th century. Some famous salons were hosted by Madame Geoffrin, Madame de Tencin, and Madame de Pompadour, where intellectuals would gather to discuss philosophy, politics, and literature.

What were Writers of the enlightenment were primarily interested in?

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Asked by Wiki User

Writers of the Enlightenment were primarily interested in promoting reason, science, and individual rights. They aimed to challenge traditional authority and promote freedom of thought and expression. Key themes included the pursuit of knowledge, questioning of established institutions, and promotion of social progress.

Who was one of the leading enlightenment writers?

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One of the leading Enlightenment writers was Voltaire, a French philosopher and writer known for his advocacy of freedom of speech, separation of church and state, and critical views on organized religion and superstition. His works, such as "Candide," were influential in promoting rationalism and tolerance during the Enlightenment era.

Who influence on the writers who typified the age of reason?

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Asked by Wiki User

Writers who typified the Age of Reason were influenced by philosophers like Descartes, Locke, and Voltaire, who promoted rational thought, skepticism, and the scientific method. They were also influenced by the political and social upheavals of the time, such as the Enlightenment and the American and French Revolutions, which emphasized individual rights, democracy, and secularism. These influences led writers to champion reason, logic, and progress in their works.

Who wrote the encyclopedia during the enlightenment?

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Denis Diderot and Jean le Rond d'Alembert were the chief editors of the Encyclopédie, a prominent encyclopedia published during the Enlightenment period. It aimed to compile and disseminate knowledge on various subjects, promoting reason, tolerance, and progress.

Is Voltaire a romantic thinker?

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Asked by Futurezooowner

Voltaire is not considered a Romantic thinker. He was a key figure of the Enlightenment, known for his advocacy of freedom of thought, reason, and criticism of religious institutions. Romanticism emerged later and emphasized emotion, nature, and individuality, with thinkers such as Rousseau, Wordsworth, and Coleridge.

Who is the bristler?

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Asked by Wiki User

A Bristler Beggar is basically a beggar, who makes money by scamming people. He would role a dice and make it land on whatever number it wanted it to. People would think he was magic and pay him as if they were being entertained.

What were enlightenment writers interested in?

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Asked by Wiki User

Enlightenment writers were interested in challenging traditional authority, promoting reason and scientific thinking, advocating for individual rights and freedoms, and critiquing social and political institutions. They sought to bring about societal progress and change through intellectual inquiry and the dissemination of knowledge.

Who did Voltaire believe was histories greatest man?

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Voltaire believed Alexander the Great was history's greatest man, due to his military conquests and impact on civilization through the spread of Greek culture.

What major events happened during the enlightenment period?

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Some major events during the Enlightenment period include the publication of Isaac Newton's "Principia Mathematica," the French Revolution, the American Revolution, and the publication of influential works by philosophers like John Locke, Voltaire, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The Enlightenment period was characterized by a focus on reason, science, individual rights, and the questioning of traditional authority.

Why are the writers of the Enlightenment called Neoclassical?

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The writers of the Enlightenment are called neoclassical because they drew inspiration from classical Greek and Roman literature and philosophy. They believed in reason, logic, and rationality, similar to the values of classical civilizations. Neoclassical writers sought to emulate the style and themes of ancient works in their own writing.

What Enlightenment idea is reflected in both Satan in John Miltons Paradise Lost and Daniel Defoes character of Robinson Crusoe?

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Asked by Marcbeaubrun

The idea of individualism is reflected in both characters. Satan defies authority and seeks personal glory, while Crusoe is focused on his own survival and autonomy on the deserted island. Both characters represent the Enlightenment belief in the power of the individual to shape their own destiny.