


Academic Writing

Academic writing is a writing form that is usually serious, and intended for a critical and informed audience. It typically has an objective stance, a clear statement of the significance of the topic, and correctly utilizes formal academic rhetoric.

500 Questions

What is the purpose of parenthetical documentation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Parenthetical documentation is used to cite sources within the text of a paper or presentation. It gives credit to the original authors and allows readers to locate the full reference in the bibliography or works cited section.

How can thinking critically influence the writing process?

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Thinking critically in the writing process allows the writer to carefully evaluate their ideas, arguments, and evidence. It helps ensure that the writing is logical, well-structured, and effectively communicates the intended message. By challenging assumptions, considering alternative perspectives, and analyzing information, critical thinking can lead to stronger, more persuasive writing.

Should Morrisons have an a apostrophe?

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No, Morrisons should not have an apostrophe in its name. It is a plural possessive noun.

Why is it important to be a critical viewer of advertisements?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advertisements are produced to persuade the audience to buy something. They don't always tell the whole story.

Ads are made to sell products, and the advertiser will say whatever is necessary in order to get you to buy it. Sometimes, what they are saying is not totally true. You have to analyze their statements to see if they ring true so you are buying the best products for yourself, and not a lot of things you don't need.

Why is it a good idea to hold off on revision while writing a rough draft?

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Asked by Wiki User

Writing and editing take place in separate hemispheres of the brain. Trying to do both at once can lead to confusion and frustration.

It's best to let the words flow out of your brain without restrictions. You can edit and revise anytime, but creativity isn't something you can put up on a shelf, then take down later and pick up where you left off.

When you're hot, you're hot, so keep going. When you're not, that's the time to do your revising and editing.

Is an apostrophe a punctuation mark?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, an apostrophe is a punctuation mark used to indicate either possession or contraction in writing.

Where would you put the apostrophe in you would?

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The apostrophe would be placed in "you'd" as a contraction for "you would".

What punctuation mark is used when writing a fraction in words?

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There is no specific punctuation, you just write it as part of your sentence.

"I need half a litre"

"I used three quarters/seven eighths/eighteen twenty-sixths or that bottle"

or whichever fraction you want to use, I'm not sure if this answers your question, but that's the understanding I got from it.

Explain why commonsense knowledge is not the source of information?

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Commonsense knowledge is based on personal experiences and observations, which can vary widely among individuals and may not always be accurate. It is not systematically gathered or verified like information from reliable sources. As a result, commonsense knowledge can be biased, incomplete, or outdated, making it unreliable as a primary source of information.

What does it mean if there is an apostrophe at the end of a word?

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An apostrophe at the end of a word can indicate contraction or possession. In contractions, it represents missing letters, such as "can't" for "cannot." In possession, it shows ownership, like "John's car" indicating the car belonging to John.

A sentence with however in it?

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She wanted to go to the beach; however, the weather forecast predicted rain all day.

In science what does information text include?

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Information text in science typically includes facts, data, explanations, and conclusions related to a specific topic or research area. It often presents details about experiments, observations, or theories in a clear and logical manner to inform readers about scientific concepts or findings.

What is a creative way to present a report?

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The best reports are those that are clear, comprehensive, and easy to digest. If your report achieves those goals, it will need no creative presentation, and if your report fails to achieve such goals, no amount of creative presentation will save it. Short, clear headings and subheadings are always helpful. Charts, graphs, drawings and other visual aides can be quite effective, as can the modest use of colour. When presenting your report, don't just recite what you have written. Summarize, paraphrase, give examples, and provide a few useful anecdotes. Spare the humour, because it will be out of place. Always remember that the spoken word differs very significantly from the written word. Present your report in language that you would use in a lunchroom conversation about the same topic, not in the same language that you used in the report itself. Try to boil your report down to three or four key words that people will remember.

What are lozenges used for as a punctuation mark?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lozenges, also known as diamonds or rhombuses, are used in some specialized areas of linguistics and phonetics to indicate vocal quality, pitch, or tone in transcriptions of speech. They can represent nasalization, denasality, creaky voice, or other phonetic features.

The thesis statement's primary purpose is to?

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The primary purpose of a thesis statement is to present the main argument or central idea of the paper, guiding the reader on what to expect in the content. It serves as a roadmap for the paper's structure and helps to keep the writer focused on the main point throughout the writing process. Additionally, it helps to establish the scope and direction of the paper.

What is the theory of Dorothy Johnson?

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Dorothy Johnson's Behavioral System Model posits that individuals strive to maintain balance and stability in their interactions with the environment through a series of behavioral responses. She emphasizes the importance of adaptation and achieving optimal levels of functioning in response to both internal and external stimuli. Johnson's theory focuses on the concept of the nurse assisting individuals to achieve their desired goals by supporting their behavioral responses.

What are rules for the statement of a theme?

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  1. Be clear and concise: State the theme in a brief and straightforward manner.
  2. Be specific: Ensure the theme addresses the main idea or message of the work.
  3. Avoid ambiguity: Avoid vague or overly broad statements that could be interpreted in multiple ways.
  4. Stay relevant: Ensure the theme aligns with the content and context of the work.

What is a didactic lesson?

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A didactic lesson is a structured teaching method that focuses on providing instructions or conveying knowledge in a clear, systematic, and often formal way. It is aimed at instructing or educating learners on specific content or skills, typically following a predetermined curriculum or set of learning objectives.

Compare and contrast two different modern methods of map making in a short paragraph?

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One modern method of map making is Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which utilizes computer software to analyze and display spatial data. This allows for advanced mapping capabilities such as layers, overlays, and dynamic updating. Another method is remote sensing, where satellites and aerial drones capture images to create detailed and up-to-date maps. While GIS offers flexibility and in-depth analysis, remote sensing provides real-time and high-resolution data for mapping purposes.

Source of the quote time for this one to come home?

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The quote "time for this one to come home" originates from the lyrics of the song "Times Like These" by the Foo Fighters, written by Dave Grohl. It signifies a desire for something to return to its rightful place or to find peace and resolution.

How would explain to person the differences between writing to inform and writing persuade?

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Writing to inform focuses on providing facts, explanations, and details to educate the audience on a specific topic. On the other hand, writing to persuade aims to convince the reader to adopt a certain viewpoint or take a specific action by appealing to their emotions, beliefs, or values. While informative writing presents information objectively, persuasive writing uses rhetoric and persuasive techniques to sway the reader's opinion.

What do you call the punctuation mark used in spanish spelling?

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The punctuation mark used in Spanish spelling is called "tilde." It is placed over certain letters to indicate stress or to differentiate between words that are spelled the same but have different meanings.

What is internal efficacy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Internal Efficacy is one's confidence in their abilities to understand and influence political events. Not to be confused with External Efficacy which is the belief that the governmental system will respond to the citizens, in turn giving them more trust in the government.

What are pieces of information that support the main idea?

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Asked by Wiki User

Evidence, data, examples, and research findings are pieces of information that can support the main idea of a topic or argument. These sources can help reinforce the main point being made and provide credibility to the argument being presented.

What are paraphrases?

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Paraphrases are restatements of someone else's ideas or words using your own words. By paraphrasing, you convey the same meaning but in a different way. It helps to clarify or simplify complex information.