

Do periods go across or down?

Updated: 10/31/2022
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11y ago

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Periods go across the Periodic Table.

Groups go down.

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Q: Do periods go across or down?
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Periods (across the periodic table) have increasing atomic mass. Groups (down the table) have similar properties and reactive natures.

What is the difference between a period and a group on the periodic table?

Periods on the periodic table go across and are based on the number of unexcited electrons increasing as you read across. Groups on the periodic table are read down the table and share the same number of valence electrons.

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What are periods and groups?

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Straight across

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Periods (across the Periodic Table) have increasing Atomic Mass. Groups (down the table) have similar properties and reactive natures.

When making a table do the columns go across or down?

Up and down.

Do columns go across?

No that would be rows. Columns go down.

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Horizontal is across. Vertical is up and down.