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It's a tradition to reflect how poor Jesus and his family were when he was born.

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Q: Why don't polish people eat meat on Christmas Eve?
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Related questions

What does a vegetarian want for Christmas?

Vegetarians are no different from other people except the fact they do not eat meat. It makes no difference on whether they eg like xbox. They do not need a special gift because they dont eat meat.

What are people called when they dont eat meat?


What kind of meat do the English have for Christmas dinner?

Turkey is the traditional meat for Christmas dinner.

What kind of food do polish people eat?

Polish food contains lots of cabbage and rich meats. Stews and soups are popular in Poland, many of which contain both cabbage and meat. Mushrooms and beets are also considered staples. Polish desserts contain lots of cream, butter, and fruit.

What food did people eat in upper Canada at Christmas time?

Boar, and other meat products

Are Nepalase people vegetarian?

no only few people from some specific religion dont eat meat

What holidays in Poland are different from those in the US?

The most different holiday is Velia, which is Polish Christmas Eve. They do not eat any meat but the desserts are amazing! They also celebrate Christmas for an entire week and the preparation is much more elaborate than what any American would do.

What do vegetarians wish for on Christmas?

Vegetarians tend to ask for the exact same things as people who consume meat.

What are polish dogs made of?

Ginger souls.

How long have the Japanese people being eating whale meat?

i dont know??????????? plz answer someone

Do hippys eat meat?

most hippies are vegitarian ( dont eat meat), or vegans (dont eat meat or drink milk).

What was invented in Poland?

The Polski Sklep, which is a grocery and sells meat is Polish.