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No because dip can give u lip cancer faster and easeir.But that dont go out and smoke cause that can kill u i would rather jump off a bridge than do that so dont do it
The word dip refers to letting something or putting something briefly or quickly into a liquid.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

It depends on the tobacco if the tobacco inst treated with the same chemical additives that cigarette company's treat cigarette tobacco with them straight tobacco is less harmful, however they can both be a a death sentence.

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βˆ™ 6y ago

They are both bad for you. In terms of cancer, cigars tend to produce cancer of the digestive system -- stomach, intestines, colon -- more often than cigarettes, which cause more lung cancer due to more inhalation. Both cause cancers of the mouth, throat and esophagus. In those respects they are more or less equal.

The big difference is that cigarettes also partially saturate your blood with carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas. Even though it does not reach lethal levels from the cigarettes, it can displace oxygen in up to 50% of your red blood cells, which prevents your organs (including your brain) from receiving the support they need. Over time this leads to heart and other circulatory problems.

Either is a lousy choice.
No because you don't inhale cigars, people think that its worse for you because they think that you are suppose to inhale them.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Dipping and chewing tobacco are not the same, dipping tobacco is also known as Moist Snuff (ex: Grizzly, Copenhagen, Skoal) and Chew its loose leaf long stripped tobacco (ex: redman loose leaf tobacco) they both are about the same, both cause dental problems and cancers.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

no not even close smoking will kill u way faster than dip

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Q: What is worse dip or cigarettes?
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