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Almost all. Marijuana, Meth, Cocaine Crack are just a few examples.

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13y ago

Marijuana, Cocaine, Meth, PCP etc.

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Q: What is a drug pipe?
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What drug category is hookah in?

Hookah is not a drug, it's a type of pipe.

Is possession of a marijuana pipe with residue the same as possession of under an ounce?

no its drug paraphenilia for a pipe

What can you use for a pipe screen?

you can buy them at a tobacco ot drug store

What does a pipe dream for bindle stiffs mean?

A pipe dream is something you're not going to get -- it's based on drug lore, using an opium pipe to dream. A bindle stiff is a hobo.

What does foggy pyrex mean?

pyrex: a glass pipe fog: your drug of choice

How do you pass a drug test if you have snorted crystal clean pipe cleaner?

You might have bigger problems than a drug test if you are snorting pipe cleaner. That cannot be good for you and the risks probably far outweigh any high you get.

Are cigars and pipe tobacco dangerous?

yes. cigars and pipe tobacco are dangerous. anything with a type of drug is dangerous to your advise...dont start

What is narcotic equipment?

i think that refers to drug paraphernalia, like a syringe or a crack pipe.

Can the police charge you with drug paraphernalia for having a new meth pipe?

Drug Paraphernalia laws vary by state, but in most cases, yes, you can be charged for having a meth pipe. It does not matter if it has been used or not. If the intent is to use it for illegal means, then you will be charged.

Can the police charge you with drug paraphernalia for having a pipe?

In some states just having the pipe is an arrestable offense. No matter if it has residue or not.

Can drug use play a part in a persons ability to control anger?

Yes. The Indians didn't smoke the peace pipe for nothing.

What drug does the guy take in the hinder music video better than me?

He is smoking Crack but to poor to buy a Crack Pipe.