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I had sex with a man once.

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The little moon shape beside someone's name on Facebook chat box means that the person has enabled the "Do Not Disturb" mode. It indicates that they are not receiving any notifications for new messages at the moment.

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Q: What does the little moon shape beside someones name on a facebook chat box mean?
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How can know another is offline chat or not?

1st way: There is a "Chat" button of the bottom right side of your facebook page. Click on it to find who are on and offline. 2nd way: Type in your friend's name and look the shape beside their names. If it is green coloured circle, it means he/she is online. If the circle is white, it show he/she is offline

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Divide The Little Shape By The Big Shape ,

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a rod shape with little hairs and a tail

What are some similes of vegetables?

A simile is a form of expression using "like" or "as," to compare to unlike thngs to each other. so you could compare: eyes of potates...with... with someones eyes. fronds of a carrots... with... someones hair shape of a vegetable.. with someones or somethings shape. colour of a vegtable with someones or somethings colour. etc.

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Australia's shape looks a little like an upside down sheep.

What does a crescent moon shape mean on Facebook chat?

A crescent moon shape next to a name on Facebook chat indicates that the person has enabled the "Do Not Disturb" feature, meaning they won't receive notifications for new messages.

What is Hawaii's state shape?

It is in the shape of little dots, like sprinkles!!

What are the muscles around the neck called?

The muscles by your neck are called "Upper Trapezius" which gives the shape beside your neck more bulky.

What are the muscles around your neck called?

The muscles by your neck are called "Upper Trapezius" which gives the shape beside your neck more bulky.

What shape is a unwarped mountain?

It is like a shape of a rectangle but a little slanted on the bottom