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Alcohol can be absorbed through the skin and it can also be inhaled.

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Q: Can you become drunk from skin absorption of alcohol?
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Does baby oil have alcohol in it?

Yes, in fact it does! Ever wonder why your child can't walk? It's because the alcohol is absorbed through their skin and they become drunk.

Is there scientific study to show that Is it possible to become drunk with BAC of 22 from rubbing isopropyl alcohol on your skin?

No after consultation, it is not possible to get a BAC of .219 from isopropy is a different alcohol from booze and would cause great gastric damage upon consumtion..

Can a breath test detect alcohol that is absorbed through the skin?

Absorption through the skin is extremely limited, although it could add to the blood alcohol content. It would still be detected by the Breathalyzer because it measures alcohol leaving the bloodstream in the lungs.

Are hand sanitizers containing rubbing alcohol toxic to the human body?

Applying rubbing alcohol to the skin is not toxic or dangerous. Rubbing alcohol however should under no circumstances be drunk.

Why does rubbing alcohol evaporate so quickly on your skin?

Rubbing alcohol evaporates so quickly on skin because your skin is pretty warm and rubbing alcohol has a higher vapor pressure (and lower boiling point) compared to water. It is known as a volatile solvent because it evaporates easily.

Why does your reaction time increase when drunk?

Alcohol widens surface blood vessels in the skin. Makes you red and speeds up the activity in your mucuous membranes.

Does melanin help in calcium absorption?

No, melanin protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin and help with calcium absorption.

Does alcohol damage your face?

Only if you do something stupid while drunk off of it. Rubbing alcohol doesn't really damage your face per say but it does dry out your skin and could cause peeling, cracking, and flaking if used extensively.

What is the effect of absorption of infrared light by human skin?

This will heat the skin up.

What short term effect on alcohol on the skin?

Alcohol cools the skin.

Can cetyl alcohol get you drunk?

The only alcohol that can get you drunk is Ethyl alcohol or Ethanol. Also, Methyl alcohol will get you dizzy but you will get blind if you drink it. Cetyl alcohol is a fatty alcohol (looks like a white wax) and initially was made out of whale fat (the name cetyl comes from cetaceous). It is commonly used in cosmetics as an opacifier and has some skin and hair conditioning properties.

Can you drink alcohol in a hot tub?

If you're asking can you ingest alcohol through your skin then the answer is no, you have to swallow alcohol to 'get drunk'However, to answer the actual question, intoxication rates definitely increase more rapidly due to the increase in heart rate -- blood flow -- caused by the high temperature of the water in the hot tub.