Sandra cisneros doesnt have any birth kids but she has an adopted one
Sandra cisneros doesnt have any birth kids but she has an adopted one
Sandra cisneros doesnt have any birth kids but she has an adopted one
Sandra cisneros doesnt have any birth kids but she has an adopted one
(actually she is, Andy six said so in an interview)
yes she is she said she was in her interviews honestly
i think she is gay cuz when she was younger everyone made fun of her cuz she as a girl so i think she became like a gay oh i dotn know but in some of her pics she is with a girl and she look horney and she is staring at this chicks boobs lol so eyah
Sandra Ivette Alvarenga was born June 27, 1988 on a Saturday
Sandra Alvarenga is 22 or 23. I think she was born in 1988.
Her real name is Sandra Alvarenga :)
June 27
She is lesbian.
Lesbian? Yes, Sandra Alvarenga is a lesbian.
Her full name is Sandra Alvarenga.
Sandra Alvarenga's birthday is June 27, 1988.
Do You Mean Sandra Alvarenga? She Was The Drummer In Black Veil Brides In The Past:3
she is! here is the url check out the link provided
Her birthday is on June 27, 1988
Her name was Sandra Alvarenga.